Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Echo planar imaging is a real time magnetic resonance imaging method capable of producing snapshot images in times ranging from 64–128 ms .
2 Words in commercials come in two forms : ‘ live ’ or ‘ voice over ’ .
3 The level of repossessions has increased 25-times to more than 75,000 with the level of mortgages between six and 12 months in arrears rising by 18 times to 183,000 .
4 With the massive expansion of mortgage lending and the subsequent use of interest rates to bring down inflation , the number of mortgages over 12 months in arrears rose from 59,690 in June 1991 to 91,740 by the end of the year .
5 Agreement between models , which has been construed as showing the accuracy of simulated Late Permian climates , may only reflect the fundamental shortcomings in parameters employed by all models , such as the palaeogeography .
6 Therefore , there is no reward , in terms of additional return , for bearing the unsystematic risk of assets and the only type of risk that matters in markets dominated by well-diversified investors is systematic risk , measured by beta .
7 In a letter to Environment Minister Lord Strathclyde , Shadow Environment Secretary Chris Smith accepted that sulphur dioxide emissions have been reduced by 45 per cent since 1970 , but pointed out that progress has been haphazard , with reductions in emissions coinciding with economic recession .
8 In Sudan , for example , farmers wanting to sell their animals are charged Sudan 8 ( $3.20 ) per head of cattle in markets run by local municipalities .
9 A significant difference in natural connected speech is the way that sounds belonging to one word can cause changes in sounds belonging to neighbouring words .
10 Changes in samples stored at elevated temperatures represent acceleration of changes occurring at room temperature .
11 ‘ He would check out everything himself and even query figures in documents prepared by top experts , ’ said one .
12 These rules can also be deduced by imagining that we try to send extra goods ‘ round the cycle ’ by increasing the flow of goods in edges corresponding to forward variables and reducing it in edges corresponding to reverse variables .
13 It is for this reason that provisions in Conventions dealing with commercial contracts are almost entirely dispositive in nature , the parties being left free to exclude the relevant Convention entirely or to vary or derogate from its effects .
14 There are facilities for field and laboratory work : major experimental projects in progress during the year include investigations into geochemical controls on radionuclide movement , dispersion which arises from natural heterogeneity in aquifers , and geochemical alteration of rock properties in systems perturbed by waste-disposal activities .
15 Some reports suggested that the communiqué concealed sharp differences between G-7 leaders over trade policy , with European leaders stressing disagreements in areas relating to intellectual property and financial services as opposed to US and Canadian grievances over the issue of European farm subsidies [ see pp. 37796 ; 37930 ] .
16 These included wages , pensions and grants , subsidies to the agricultural sector and for heating and rent , the implementation of arms limitation treaties , and clean-up operations in areas affected by nuclear tests and accidents .
17 As with other types of support , we observe similar patterns in studies undertaken in different regional locations , and at different times over the past 30 years .
18 The registry has four main sources of information : practically all deliveries take place in hospital , and obstetricians report congenital abnormalities diagnosed at birth ; paediatricians report malformed babies seen at inpatient and outpatient paediatric clinics ; necropsy is obligatory in case of infant death and when the infant has a congenital abnormality pathologists send the autopsy report to the Hungarian congenital abnormality registry ; the five prenatal diagnosis centres report congenital abnormalities in fetuses aborted after prenatal diagnosis of fetal defect — all diagnoses are checked , and abnormalities are classified as either isolated or multiple because of their different aetiologies .
19 ( Comments in brackets refer to comparable difficulties when studying the body clock. ) ( 1 ) When should you study the family ?
20 Other studies have shown increased lipid peroxide levels in lipoproteins isolated from diabetic patients ( Nishigaki et al , 1981 ) and animals ( Higuchi , 1982 ) .
21 But the proportion of wage and salary earners in unions declined from 37 per cent in 1952 to 31 per cent in the late sixties .
22 That one language of the Xanthos trilingual inscription of 1974 is Aramaic , the Persian bureaucratic script , is a reminder that there were Persians in numbers settled in classical Anatolia .
23 ( The differences in definitions adopted by different countries would not affect the broad pattern of international comparison , although we should be sceptical about small variations between countries . )
24 Significantly the surveys were consistent in failing to find differences in rates according to social class or race .
25 His " grade " rises and falls like a temperature chart as the weeks go by , according to his successes or failures in tests taken at short intervals .
26 Finally , D Roodman et al recently reported finding measles virus transcripts in cells derived from cultured pagetic bone .
27 With astonishing speed prime spots in streets known for fashionable shopping before the second world war are being snapped up .
28 Later Tappert went on to use a loose segmentation method to cut script into sub-strokes in regions identified as possible ligatures ( Tappert , 1988 ) .
29 Workers are not able to choose to trade small adjustments in hours worked against take-home pay .
30 Gastrointestinal symptoms in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus : relevance of infective agents isolated from gastrointestinal tract
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