Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [pron] [noun sg] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 How the other tribes lined up against Rome it is impossible to say , but the presence of army units in their territory probably kept the Corieltauvi and the Cornovii quiet , and this would also have applied to the northern Dobunni with a cavalry regiment at Cirencester , but their allegiance was to Rome anyway .
2 On his first sea-voyage , as the ship lay in the harbour of Las Palomas on its way to Santa Barbara , he had woken to the sound of words in his ear perhaps inspired by the strange familiarity of the house of Los Xicales , glimpsed from the ship , perhaps indeed a prophecy that he would meet the girl of his memory in that very house .
3 Can I le remind Councillor though that five out of six schools in his ward recently sent a letter to the D E S and the Education Minister opposing testing in schools .
4 The noises in my head never stop and have nearly driven me to suicide .
5 But some creatures , notably the American Allosaurus , had several bones in its skull loosely joined together so that the entire skull could yield to pressures of various sorts .
6 It is not however necessary to decide the point in the present case , and in any event cases of this kind are generally the subject of statutory régimes which legislate for the circumstances in which money so paid either must or may be repaid .
7 ‘ The workers in our group already have lots of knitting to do what I need now is another group of volunteers , ’ Moira said .
8 And it works well , the fine cracks in its surface merely adding to the character of the bass .
9 Neighbours who were unwary enough to let the Misses Lovelock look after the chickens in their absence rarely found any eggs awaiting them on their return , and in some cases a plump chicken had died .
10 So everyone every everyone everyone should have a copy of the questions in their book just to tell what they 've worked on .
11 Is nt it f*cking typical tho , that the best 2 managers in our history both leave to manage England !
12 These passages in my view admirably define what is meant by colore officii and effectively dispose of any suggestion that because the person making the demand holds some official position that of itself amounts to a form of compulsion .
13 Two states , Queensland and South Australia , have provisions in their legislation specifically directed at the confiscation of the literary proceeds of crime or , more generally , of the proceeds of criminal expression and notoriety .
14 Writers in our day sometimes refer to ‘ the scientific community ’ , but this is very much a theoretical entity : there may be some issues on which all active scientists feel the same , and are opposed to those in the humanities , but there must be very few .
15 Persons in my position customarily wed , not according to their own choosing — but in accordance with the wishes or indeed the ambitions of their elders .
16 The accusations levelled at him that he was an unwanted invader who would bring the yuppie hordes and tourist armies in his wake clearly hurt .
17 The evidence in terms of inch loss recorded by my trial team proves without doubt that the reduction of fat and the increase in fresh fruit and vegetables in our diet really does reduce cellulite , despite all the hormonal , stress , lifestyle and postural factors which could have caused it .
18 It has , however , long been recognised that the court can exercise jurisdiction in personam against an individual present in England or capable of being made a party to English proceedings in cases in which Equity so requires , even where the subject matter is foreign immovable property .
19 The squirrels and birds in my garden certainly know me individually .
20 She seemed calm and peaceful , and a few minutes in her presence soon cheered Mr Wolski up .
21 It arose because some neighbours in my street effectively started behaving which was totally antisocial .
22 Patients in their study initially had no clinical or echocardiographic evidence of heart disease and they suggest that the QT interval abnormalities may have been early indicators of alcohol-induced myocardial toxicity .
23 Although not randomised and with a small number of histopathologically confirmed cases , we believe , that the large number of patients in our study successfully managed by injection treatment alone favours a primary encoscopic approach towards Dieulafoy 's disease .
24 Following a late start , due to Euan Kennedy and the passengers in his car seriously misjudging the number of pubs between Edinburgh and Kelso , Lothian were invited to bat first and with contributions of 25 from Dave Thorburn , after a steady opening partnership with Peter Stewart and 15 , including two massive sixes , from Mark McKenzie they managed only 69 from their 20 overs .
25 If there are a small number of personal injury lawyers in your firm then consider a newsletter that covers several areas of law such as other litigation matters .
26 Crosby has 18 players in his squad all fighting to make a Wembley impression in the remaining four league games .
27 Which departments in your firm frequently require executives ?
28 Until more interesting work was available he felt he had no option but to keep the men in his charge fully occupied and if it meant using eight men to undertake a task which could be accomplished in a fraction of the time by a machine , well — the men were n't going anywhere .
29 A Sheffield manufacturer suggested that 6,000 men , women and children in his district similarly depended on the American market for their employment .
30 Somehow the pins in her hair always seemed to escape when she lost her temper and the dark tresses whirled round her shoulders as she walked up and down Oswin 's bedroom .
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