Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [noun] be [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 THE COUNTRY 's on its knees and snotty kids in bin-liners are abroad in the cities .
2 Private tutors in England were less in demand these days , Christian said with a smile ; times were changing .
3 One common feature is that the vowels in question are more like or when they precede another vowel , less so when they precede a consonant or pause .
4 The Scots ' commissioners in London were far from pleased with this new English church , and one of them referred to it as ‘ but a lame , Erastian presbytery ’ .
5 In the first edition of this book , I wrote that the use of econometrics in advertising was roughly at the stage before the square edges of the first wheel were rounded off .
6 Inheritance customs in Terling were far from rigid .
7 However , life in such a group is not all a bed of roses ( seriously ! ) , and , for me , the downside was the leaking from ‘ certain sources ’ that the future of inference skills in assessment was far from assured .
8 ‘ Coffee houses in town are now like Quakers ’ meeting houses , ’ observed one Londoner at this time .
9 Car ownership levels in Cheshire are markedly above the British average .
10 The differences between electron energy levels in atoms are typically in the region of a few electron-volts , which corresponds to the energy of photons of light in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum .
11 Social and geographical differences in mortality are still with us and are still contentious issues ( Chapter 8 ) ; but these very severe differences have gone , and the convergence of mortality is one of the major factors behind the faster improvement of mortality from the end of the nineteenth century .
12 He and all the scholars in company were there to " say together Psalm 130 De Profundis with the versicles and collect thereto accustomed after Salisbury use .
13 Strong historical continuities in residence were certainly due the persistence of local patterns of employment .
14 The Sandinistas in government are somewhat at a loss for their own charismatic figure , but continue to draw amply on the ( revised ) ideology and mythology of Sandino himself and of the martyred heroes of the revolution .
15 When ethnographers refer to customs , the behaviours in question are always of this semi-obligatory predictable kind .
16 Prior to Julius Caesar , however , Roman achievements in chronometry were far from impressive .
17 This opportunity to question suspects in custody was clearly of crucial importance to the police .
18 However , access arrangements for certain categories of children in care were already under the control of the court , such as those in care under a High Court order , or a County Court order under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 .
19 Each of the Six Clerks in Chancery was reputedly worth £3,000 annually ; while this sum was certainly exaggerated , even half of it would have been a substantial amount .
20 On this measure , one quarter of all men in work , and half of all women in work are now in the sector offering numerical flexibility ’ ( p. 93 ) .
21 Plans to extend the scheme to other Bank premises in Edinburgh are already in hand and waste paper from Registrars and Stationery Departments will soon end up being recycled .
22 The BRB/Leeds ( 1980 : 15 ) comparative study of productivity in ten European railways concluded that ‘ mean earnings per hour for rail employees in Britain are substantially below those of all the other study countries , and also that British railwaymen fare worse in gross earnings terms in comparison with their continental colleagues than do all British manufacturing industry employees ’ .
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