Example sentences of "[noun pl] and over the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But is n't it true , this garden has a fantastic character which makes you quite able to imagine the poets of the Renaissance strolling among these bushes and over the flowery grass ? …
2 A growing rift was apparent between Iran and Turkey over competition for influence among the newly independent Central Asian states and over the future role and shape of ECO .
3 Using your middle fingers , make tiny circles on the cheeks at either side of the nostrils and over the upper lip ( see Fig. 15 ) .
4 The dust hangs heavy in the air , on the rag-covered bodies and over the scabied skin of the children .
5 The journey back was a bit dreary as the blacked-out vehicle bumped and rattled its way through the darkened villages and over the long stretches of anonymous countryside .
6 Lyn walked across the cobbles and over the Old Town bridge .
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