Example sentences of "[noun pl] and then [verb] [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 And in a way this interferes with acting in advance of the disaster , or indeed acting perhaps not immediately , but spending a little time considering what might be the priority needs and then going in with it .
2 I suggest the patient takes it on waking for the first two or three days and then experiments either with increasing the amount or by introducing an extra dose in the afternoon or evening .
3 Tests show that , after a slow beginning , availability of the nutrients rises to a peak in about 80 days and then tails off with the potash being held late , when it is needed .
4 I think I thought they 've got no ideas and then come on with this speaker and I was and I thought , Ooh .
5 ‘ They 'll decide if they want to accept it , ’ said Claridge , ‘ add any modifications and then come back with their own document called the Community Support Framework .
6 And then they 're hung on by pegs and then touched underneath with mortar to stop them lifting off , that grey sort of er it 's to stop them lifting off .
7 Er , well we only really done exercises and then started off with the play .
8 It was then seen to pitch up for several seconds and then pitch down with increasing engine noise .
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