Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [adv] he [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd only been in Monty 's poky little office for ten minutes and already he had given me two priceless lessons in my future profession — to make sure I dressed properly , and never be afraid to ask the question " Why ? "
2 She told Dexter what had happened in the meeting with Spittals and how he had ordered her off the case , and she asked Dexter to go on helping her .
3 Lady Maude had given him a few pennies and tomorrow he planned to see his friend in Crabbe Street .
4 Two a half crown and a sixpence and a threepenny and three pennies and sometimes he forgot to take it back but however I did n't remind him .
5 He was always waiting , very receptive to new ideas and so he did like people and organizations to present their views and he did like to hear discussion .
6 Sometimes Marcus thought of him as wearing glasses and sometimes he seemed to remember the man 's face naked .
7 So were as many as a hundred or so other females and now he lies surrounded by them , on guard and ready to do battle with any other male that tries to raid his harem .
8 On the positive side , his inheritance freed him from financial constraints and so he decided to settle in England , setting up house in London at Carlton Terrace , an event which led Disraeli to write somewhat mockingly : ‘ …
9 Despite his hot streak of goals , Quinn has not yet been on the winning side for the Sky Blues and now he wants to put that unwanted record in the dustbin .
10 He had made money from his movie The Wild Angels and now he wanted to prove he could do something worthwhile .
11 There had always been men and once he had cared a great deal about that .
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