Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] down on the " in BNC.

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1 He 'd expected it and just shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the stool .
2 Elisabeth was hot ; she took off her raincoat , set down the knapsack containing her lunch and some books and sat down on the bench opposite a thicket of hazel , through which a path had been cut .
3 Oliver sighed deeply , stuffed his treasure back into his pockets and sat down on the grass to watch .
4 However , at the end of 1981 a new superintendent instituted changes which included moving a number of the area 's community police-officers to other duties and clamping down on the activities by local youths which had previously been tolerated .
5 Regrettably , even today , there are a number of health service insiders who feel that they are an exception to these general rules and look down on the ways of industry with the patronizing assurance of those who know that ‘ we are different ’ .
6 Therefore to make sure of this important condition he took off his trousers and sat down on the seed-bed , thus testing the warmth of Mother Earth through the most sensitive part of his anatomy .
7 As the sun rose into clear skies and burned down on the plain of the Forth , you would say the exposed army opposite would have the worst of it , despite their shields and their awnings .
8 I slithered from his hands and sat down on the ground and he dragged me up .
9 They stopped beside the resting horses and looked down on the vale of Grasmere , a prospect described by great poets as an unsuspected paradise , depicted by painters as a jewel set in nature , sought out by the fashionable , protected by the sensible , evoker of sublime epithets , a small , ovaloid dream lake ringed by mountains proportioned in a measure which touched the intelligence as much as the eye ; if any one place deserves the description , then Grasmere Vale could claim to be in the very eye of the Romantic storm , in its beauty , its seclusion , its inhabitants and its capacity to draw in and draw out some of the greatest artists of the era .
10 Ludovico stopped removing her clothes and sat down on the bed .
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