Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] [pron] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Raised his cap with a pretty gesture , blushed to his eyes and asked me to come and see his work . ’
2 And she laughed her laugh , that shocking laugh which turned heads and caused her to blush and put a hand over her naked mouth .
3 He would point his tape recorder at subjects and invite them to ruminate and , hopefully , fulminate .
4 Jannie gazed into the food cupboard , picking up cereal packets and shaking them to see if they needed replacing .
5 He hung his heavy axe and rubber-handled flashlight on nails hammered into the edge of a high shelf , then shrugged his jacket from his shoulders and left it to lie where it fell .
6 Their friends in the town halls keep people out of homes and use them to trade and to get cheap votes .
7 The police catch theyselves and rush us shouting and some start to shoot , straight into we .
8 It 's unfortunate that such things serve to bring you to your senses and make you realise that of course it 's dangerous .
9 Is it best to do a series of accents and get 'em to tick or get 'em
10 ‘ What ages and ages it seems since we were at Pinehurst .
11 Environmental policies which did not take economic concerns into account were " doomed to fail " , he said , whereas " there is no better ally in the service of our environment than strong economies , economies that make possible increased efficiencies , that enable us to make environmental gains , economies that can generate new technologies and help us arrest and reverse the damage done to our environment " .
12 Women in thick , serge dresses and wooden clogs gathered at the doors of their houses and watched us pass whilst half-naked children ran behind us , screaming in their patois for a sou or something to eat .
13 May I welcome his decision to hold a public inquiry about these proposals and urge him to ensure that the inquiry is held in such a way , in such a place and at such a time that the concerns of many thousands of people about the proposals can be fully communicated ?
14 The figure on page 28 shows the make-up of these simplest nuclei and illustrates what happens when two deuterium nuclei collide .
15 Oh got to produce a few sheets of stuff and we 've got ta get the addresses of the bases and get it distributed and it 's a task I 'm gon na pass on
16 He compiled the first useful tables of travel times of seismic phases and used them to show that wave speeds increase smoothly with depth , up to a point where they suffer a sharp decrease , which he identified with the boundary of a central core ‘ possessing radically different physical properties ’ , though he did not conclude that the core was liquid .
17 The storm that night raged unappeased , obliterating our tracks and leaving us shivering and miserable .
18 falling down his trousers and make me laugh and shout , I 'll always feel so happy when the comes about ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , the funny circus clown
19 I must stick with the composers and make it known that I am willing to perform these new works anywhere .
20 Its endemic pessimism had got him by the balls and left him beached and burned out by his late twenties , unemployed , unskilled and unloved by all but his widowed mother .
21 ‘ You tied them with a line and taped Mrs Bayles mouth so she could not speak , threatened them with weapons and left them tied while you ransacked their home a truly terrifying experience for them . ’
22 He looked very doubtful when I asked certain questions and laughed me to scorn when I gave my verdict .
23 But I have told her all the stories and rhymes I know and she is getting bored .
24 They spoke to her all the time , nudged her to help her mother , helped her to notice things and get them done before she was asked .
25 Go and pack your things and leave me to go and book your seats . ’
26 Happily , we found somebody with all the qualities and experience we needed and welcomed Paul Smith on board .
27 A sharp cold wind had sprung up with the fading light , removing the sweaty warmth of her exertions and letting her know that she was cold and exhausted .
28 It enrolled 6090 patients and assigned them to enalapril or placebo .
29 And she got hold of me in her arms and carried me kicking and screaming into the school .
30 Take two or three of these before meals and let me know if the symptoms do n't clear up . ’
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