Example sentences of "[noun pl] of being [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A decade after the end of the first post-war period in Britain ( that is , during the sharp oil price rise mentioned above ) social mobility was characterized both by heightening opportunities of rising socially , as well as increased risks of being caught in a downward spiral — particularly for those of working-class origin , who are among those who most easily fall prey to recruitment into the underclass .
2 ‘ Young men are far more likely to be victims of violent crime than women and the risks of being raped by a stranger are very small indeed ( approximately one in 25,000 ) but most women would put the risk at a lot higher .
3 This has the advantage over our conventional representative institutions of being based on a new model of decision-making , one which seeks to ensure adequate consideration of all competing interests , including even poorly organised ones .
4 They dived overboard as the 13,000-ton Royal Pacific went down within 15 minutes of being hit by a large trawler .
5 Within minutes of being trapped behind a 20-feet thick wall of coal , steel and rubble completely filling the 12-feet high and 16-feet wide tunnel , they were in contact with colleagues on the opposite side using the undamaged Tannoy system which runs along the wall of the roadway .
6 Within minutes of being released by the police , these youngsters were back in an amusement arcade .
7 After a youthful marriage ended tragically with the death of his wife and two children , the grief-stricken Kalmu began to behave bizarrely and showed signs of being possessed by a powerful local deity .
8 Before this visit , Anselm shows no signs of being influenced by the Gregorian concept of the libertas ecclesiae ; after his visit , he both used the phrase and supported the policy which the phrase summed up — at least to some extent .
9 In a television documentary to be screened tonight , details will be given of a study at one British school which found that 60 per cent of boys and 30 per cent of girls showed signs of being addicted to the games — many of which feature violent activities .
10 For de Gaulle himself , the experience taught valuable lessons , particularly about the dangers of being trapped in the role of party leader .
11 No matter how often we tell people that a dog is for life , not just for Christmas , some are always abandoned within hours of being given as a present . ’
12 The requirements of the crusade and the tensions of being brought to the brink of battle both pointed to the need for a long , rather than a short truce .
13 It tells the story of an engineer who loses his job because of the effects of being gassed during the First World War .
14 A dramatic experience of a submarine under attack in the North Atlantic and the terrible effects of being torpedoed in the freezing ocean — adrift on a raft !
15 The dangers for teachers in war zones of being identified with the government were exemplified by the fate of numbers of ‘ popular teachers ’ who were killed or kidnapped by the Contras .
16 However , the baby is equipped with mechanisms which allow it to respond to the physical difficulties of birth — the breathing response etc. — and it is probable that mechanisms also exist to cope with the circumstances of being thrust into a new world .
17 His remarks were made when one of the locations used to store a unique collection of German literature taken from Germany in 1945 was recently handed back to the Orthodox Church , after four decades of being used as a store for the collection .
18 Five of eight houses offered for sale at Sanquhar Den in Forres , near Inverness , were snapped up within days of being placed on the market .
19 An investigation is considered successful if the claimant signs off within 2 weeks of being contacted by an investigation officer , but it is hard to differentiate these from those who would have signed off anyway .
20 From 1 April this year , the vast majority of patients will be guaranteed admission to hospital within two years of being placed on a hospital waiting list .
21 In the event of a second conviction for a like offence , a member is liable , in addition to the penalties already named , to be adjudged to be for ever incapable of holding any public office , and to be incapable for five years of being registered as an elector or voting at an election either of members to serve in Parliament or of members of any public body .
22 If she had given him time he would have been able to show her passion , he knew , but it was hard for him to relax and act confidently after years of being cowed in a stern loveless household .
23 Throughout any individual 's life , relationships and feelings of being attached to a number of significant people are important for our good emotional health .
24 Some of the disadvantages of being treated as a believer rather than a researcher were experienced in a rather dramatic fashion by a sociologist who , while studying a Hindu sect , underwent a perfectly genuine conversion .
25 Usually they have few if any memories of being comforted on a lap , tossed in the air by their father ( why do men toss babies and women so rarely ? ) , delicious bathing times with games and squeals of delight , and well-earned praise and parental pleasure when they excreted in nappy or pot .
26 Egyptians have recent memories of being beaten at the hands of western-backed armies .
27 More generally , he attempted to relate the sensation of flying during a dream to sensations from the ventilation of the lungs during sleep , or to childhood memories of being thrown in the air .
28 But it is true that , with some 70% of outstanding shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in the vaults of friendly business partners , Japanese firms are under little pressure to increase dividends and their managements have few fears of being replaced in a sudden stockmarket coup .
29 A man dreams of being chased by a killer whale .
30 They 've never known the delights of being shut in a cupboard and smacked with a hairbrush by a Nanny whose starched apron crackled across her bosom like approaching thunder .
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