Example sentences of "[noun pl] of the [noun sg] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These two contrasting events emphasize the central fact that even natural hazards are not defined solely by the characteristics of the event but by the interaction of those events with the human occupation of the threatened area .
2 The legality of the threat of use of a weapon therefore depends on an evaluation both of the characteristics of the weapon and of the possible circumstances in which it might be used .
3 … the chronological position of the Anglo-Saxon antiquities has been estimated partly from the typological characteristics of the material and from the occurrence of the various objects in closed finds in association with other objects , partly from datable coins .
4 During the war and the revolution many old criminal families , living on the outskirts of the town or in bandit villages , left their influence behind even after they had been broken up .
5 The votes of the minority have not counted as the clear expression of a minority opinion ; they have not counted at all in the eyes of the majority except as evidence of Catholic disloyalty to the Northern semi-state .
6 The left , even Gramsci 's heirs , prefer the solidities of the Enlightenment and of modernism .
7 The overall objectives and goals of the organisation and of the various agencies and departments within the organisation are formulated .
8 Alternative kits are an insult to the true supporters of the game and to those who have worn the white shirt in the past with pride .
9 When , a few weeks later , Labour overturned a large Tory majority in a by-election at East Fulham , this was widely seen as evidence of the popularity of pacifism — despite the fact that Labour 's candidate , John Wilmot , had been more concerned to appeal to Liberal supporters of the League than to whatever sentiment may have existed in Fulham in favour of war resistance .
10 The hubbub outside comes not from the picturesque traders of the bazaar but from some 500 fans pleading for a glimpse of their idol .
11 As always , Elizabeth shows herself a thoroughly English writer in her sensitiveness to the vagaries of the weather and to minor class distinctions ; and whatever Dr Johnson may say about the unimportance of the former or contemporary prigs about the latter , they contribute so much to the variety of life and conversation in England .
12 During 1918 the Right , the Mensheviks , the SRs , various minority national groups , and foreign powers sought to reverse different aspects of the revolution and in June 1918 large-scale civil war broke out .
13 The engineer will be expected to contribute to the technical aspects of the specification and to those points associated with the running and timing of the project .
14 That decision was based primarily not on procedural defects but on interpretations of the words of the statute and on the notion of the fiduciary duty .
15 His major contributions to Welsh scholarship , however , were the numerous studies he published of the intricate structure of the four branches of the Mabinogi and of aspects of the Arthurian legend , a field in which his interest had been aroused by the work of Sir John Rhŷs [ q.v . ] .
16 Thank you very much for your cards which arrived all together just before my birthday on the 15th. it was nice to see the pictures of the priory & of Durham Cathedral — the buildings around here look very flimsy and new in comparison !
17 ( One may however ask after the nature of men in so far as it has been men rather than women who have created these pictures of the world and of the ‘ place ’ of woman within it such that they should have needed to construct such a misogynist picture . )
18 But they were all swamped by the fripperies of the play and by Dame Edith who , as Timothy West says , ‘ did n't have the faintest idea whether she was coming or going ’ .
19 aggregate capital and reserves of the undertaking as at the end of its relevant financial year , and
20 It was not only the press and organizations of the Right and of moderate socialist parties which were repressed : the anarchists , too , were ruthlessly hounded by the Cheka .
21 I have I think it 's an addendum erm to rewrite a particular phrase in the statement to become he died on the cross for the sins of the world and by his resurrection as already in print .
22 It was precisely at this time that the Chinese were having to obtain supplies as tribute or by way of trade from the southernmost provinces of the empire or from Java and Sumatra .
23 If you look at , say , American TV wrestling , you can already see in it a strutting prediction of the showbiz-sports of the future , where drug-enhanced body-sculpture plays a part both in the athletic demands of the spectacle and in the personality-selling which is its true purpose .
24 The time in the week the sessions take place depends on the demands of the ward and on the availability of teachers .
25 The fire gleamed in the grate , the kettle was boiling on the hob , steam issuing from the black lips of the spout and of Craig there was no sign .
26 Wolski was one of the fifty or so who survived the escape and the remaining months of the war and by a succession of chances so slight , so unpredictable , so arbitrary that they would banish from his mind for ever the belief that there was any sense or pattern to this life , he found his way to Britain in 1945 .
27 We were roped , hustled up the steps of the dungeon and into the freezing courtyard .
28 There is no doubt that gas has proved to be of great benefit to the Netherlands but as in the case of the UK , with its North Sea oil bonanza , various consequences of hydrocarbon wealth , such as a strengthening home currency , tended to precipitate industrial decline in some sectors of the economy and in the case of the Netherlands , the costs of developing a gas infrastructure outweighed the return for some years .
29 Whilst millions of words were written on pricing policies and capital finance in nationalised industries , little serious thought was given to the economic relationships between the two sectors of the economy or to those between government and industry generally .
30 In fact , even as he spoke , the forces for change were there and rallying : the critique of the established constitutional authorities was eating into things below the froth of party politics ; the Liberal-SDP Alliance considered that the " key to … change lies in electoral and constitutional reform " ; and Tony Benn , generally recognised as leader of the radical left in the Labour Party , was telling large and enthusiastic audiences up and down the country that " constitutional questions are the key to power in a parliamentary democracy " and that " socialists need to give at least as much attention to the institutions of the state as to the power structure of the economy " .
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