Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 You 'll also find lots of leaflets available from main showrooms which tell you how much appliances cost to run , how to cut down on costs , and helpful methods of payment if you have to economise drastically .
2 Only brief attention will be given to traditional methods of appraisal as they have little to offer to either the public or private sector .
3 Again , we welcome that , but is it not sad that it comes 12 years after this Government were elected and after not just one but two Secretaries of State since I have been a Member of Parliament have been influenced because of criticism of tobacco advertising and irresponsible elements in the tobacco industry ?
4 So for example in a region of high productivity you may find very low concentrations of carbonate because it 's been stripped out and converted to skeletal material being used in photosynthesis .
5 One of the most positive aspects of Switchboard that I 've seen over the past seven years , apart from the callers , has been the way that many of its members have continuously struggled to put their politics and convictions about gay and other rights into practice ( though some of them might not care to put it that way ) and the strength that working on it has given some people to do so elsewhere .
6 The approach can still be used with much profit when it attempts to emphasize ‘ those aspects of law that it has [ a ] comparative advantage in dealing with . ’
7 Tonight we 're going to take a look at two aspects of education and I have with me Stephen Ball , who 's been carrying out research into the different between streamed and mixed ability classes in comprehensive schools , and Sandy Grassy , who co-ordinates the many links between the science side of the university and schools .
8 The aspects of energy that we have been talking about this evening erm are part of your course , are they discussed in this form by the students taking your course ?
9 ‘ There are over 20 combinations of HRT and it has to be tailored to the individual .
10 Does the Minister doubt the cases of hardship that I have quoted ?
11 There is a point in moving him to London because that is near the Houses of Parliament where he has weight .
12 But when he comes to the foot of the mountain and sees the worship of the calf for himself , we hear the sound of his anger too , and see him smashing the tablets of stone that he has brought down from the summit inscribed with God 's torah .
13 It 's got loads of stuff and it 's got Madonna on it .
14 Many field studies have used much higher loads of carbohydrate than we have because their main rationale was the ability to greatly increase available substrate without incurring a substantial osmotic penalty .
15 Clairol 's Silver Shot ( £19.95 ) is a small , compact hairdryer that wo n't take up loads of room and it has all the advantages of its bigger , professional-style counterparts .
16 He made detailed admissions and at the end was asked whether not seeing a solicitor had made any difference , He said not , but would like to see a solicitor , and refused to sign the notes of interview until he had done so .
17 The desk and carpet were his badges of rank and he had n't presumed nor even thought to change them .
18 These qualities have always been present in the metaphors and similes of poetry but they have been less frequent in painting , which in the past was largely concerned with reproducing external reality , with decoration , or , as in the more advanced movements of recent years , with the composition of color and line into formal design .
19 So what are the areas of work that you 've been involved in ?
20 There were a few areas of life where he had not been involved — his interests ranged from Stockport Infirmary to the Territorial Army , Stockport Lads ' Club to the Boy Scouts , the Trustee Savings Bank to the NSPCC .
21 The books cover the three main areas of literature that he has come to favour since his debut into the world of writing after the 1939–45 War .
22 Students who fail the Case Study will be accredited with the five areas of study if they have successfully passed these and should be eligible for the grade of intermediate membership .
23 Every time one of us dares contribute to the debate , she tells us with thriftiness of spirit and consonants of flint that we have no common sense .
24 After primary school I moved away to a different High School but I have the photographs and certificates of achievement that I have worked for .
25 Above all , Mosley had tried to reassure the country that persecution of race or religion was against the fundamental tenets of Fascism as it had evolved in England .
26 However , to pursue this would lead on to criticisms of inductivism that I have reserved for the next chapter .
27 To make matters worse , United States banks are unable to issue guarantees for missing bills of lading unless they have a ‘ substantial interest in the performance of the transaction . ’
28 A. Vogl wrote a charming account of how , as a young doctor on the wards of a Vienna hospital , he discovered that patients passed very large volumes of urine after they had received injections of one of the new organic mercurial compounds .
29 To achieve this , larger mammals , such as goats , sheep and deer , must mate in he shortening days of autumn because they have a gestation period of about six months .
30 Some people who comply well with all that is suggested to them may have done little more than comply ( incidentally , much of the " normal " first year of recovery is reckoned to be little more than compliance ) and think erroneously after a few weeks of treatment that they have learnt all they need to know and have done all they need to do to remain free from addictive disease .
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