Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] [noun] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But it was not the earl 's death that had sent these influential couriers of de Burgh riding hard across country to Parfois , it was the fall of the coveted prize into the hands of Richard of Cornwall .
2 It was hard to believe that most of these islands were populated and we often caught glimpses of island ferries plying industriously between lonely rockbound piers .
3 Comforting images of Sir Len batting still fell like a warm velvet hood over Yorkshire eyes .
4 The east-west lines of sea lochs penetrating inland from the Minch , and the straits dividing the islands from each other interrupt the arcuate sweep of the chain of islands .
5 ‘ Within two or three days of John Salako flying out to California for his knee operation , he had me for company on the same ward .
6 A black-and-white Tudor manor house , separated by a gravelled car park from a modern two-storey extension mocked up to resemble stables ; lawns behind sloping away towards the wooded flanks of the Surrey hills ; the colours of St. George hanging limply from a flagstaff ; three geese in flight across a swash-lettered nameboard ; and smoke pluming vertically from slender chimney stacks .
7 Interruptible tariffs will soon be tested in two years of field trials costing about £1.5 million .
8 If some project comes up during the course of the year , I would have thought that it might be appropriate to erm er cobble the name of centenary onto it , but I do n't really think that this year we just commit ourselves to something just because there 's a hundred years of parish government coming up .
9 There may also be problems of boundary changes resulting either from major local-government reorganization or from more local adjustments .
10 We attempt to treat the wives and ex-wives of service men living illegally in some of our properties as sympathetically as we can and that is why the 1,600 to whom the hon. Gentleman referred live in service accommodation .
11 There were unknown sounds of subhuman things proceeding relentlessly forward , stopping , retrenching , to proceed onward again .
12 I had been down in my pantry working through the supplies sheets , when I had heard somewhere above my head the unmistakable sounds of motor cars pulling up in the courtyard .
13 Press reaction and the Criminal Bar were generally hostile , fed by heightened fears of jury nobbling emanating largely from police circles .
14 There seem to be large quantities of path finders going up and down like those .
15 The features of sign language interpreting so far described , and the possible registers available , suggest something rather different from the linguistic models of Seleskovitch ( 1978 ) and others .
16 Along the canal towpaths , follow the MUSEUMS OF LEEDS TRAIL linking over 40 historic sites , on a 6-mile journey .
17 The snows of Mount Hermon streaming northwards , the blue vales of Galilee , the brown waters of the Litani encircled us in that little cyclone , We could be seen , for above the sound of the gale we heard the clatter of bullets tossed by the wind against the ramparts .
18 While soil erosion is an integral part of natural denudation processes , human activity , especially injudicious agricultural practices , has greatly accelerated natural rates of soil erosion affecting not only areas from which soil is removed but areas in which it is deposited .
19 But in the end I simply cashed my travellers " cheques and dodged the fuming puddles of Times Square handing out twenty-dollar bills to selected bums , whores , bagladies and time-cripples .
20 In a few weeks we can expect to see the likes of Boris Becker chomping away on a banana between sets at Wimbledon , and the saga of the Euro-banana versus the Dollar banana is likely to keep the fruit in the news .
21 So should not the law be changed immediately to prevent the likes of Dr Cox ending up in the dock ?
22 I never go round by myself without seeing one because I hear feet scrabbling on the bark or I see bits of fir cone floating down .
23 They drove back down to Florence , the Captain silent and thoughtful , the Substitute smoking , making the occasional rapid remark , watching the passing of the wet , ploughed soil between rows of vines and the tops of umbrella pines appearing out of the misty valley far below , smoking …
24 It appears to us all that there has been a significant drop in the numbers of telephone enquiries coming in to the Library since the new system went in .
25 This opinion has recently been supported by results of NMR refinements taking specifically into account data on backbone dihedral angles ( 29 ) .
26 In front of them stood a microphone on a stand , and then several rows of school chairs filling about a third of the area , though most people sat on the ground .
27 In more isolated areas , where increases of construction workers working away from home in the 1970s ( the recent oil impact measure ) were greater , there was a higher incidence of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma at ages 5–24 ( but not at 0–4 ) than in remaining areas .
28 Another squally young French counter-tenor , Gérard Lesne , often appears in works by Purcell and Handel but with unfortunate overtones of Ethel Merman belting out a razzmatazz show tune .
29 All about Keswick he had noticed gangs of men building the giant reaches of drystone walls enclosing even the highest fell-land , the better to take advantage of grain prices in the war ; gangs of men working the woods , as charcoal-burners , swill-makers , coppice-workers , plain woodmen ; and , as here , men in the high mines — men spread all over the landscape , bondmen of industry , all living out near their workplace , turf huts and teepees scattered abroad , excluded from society throughout the week of their work and let into its comforts and pleasure only for a brief Saturday night escape .
30 The rest are reports of hospital visits going back over eighteen months . ’
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