Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] [noun] [verb] down " in BNC.

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1 The Essex police Service Delivery Standards for officers involved in cases of cot death lay down six specific requirements :
2 In the mud banks which rise ten feet or so above the water 's edge , you can see the strata of silt deposits brought down each year by the river in the days before the High Dam .
3 In practice , legislation generally forbids such data being held thus and distributed in anything other than area aggregate form ; the cross-tabulations commonly employed ( e.g. to give tables of population numbers broken down by age and sex ) often result in a great multiplication of the data volumes .
4 High above us the celestial spheres of satellite communication look down upon us , observing any change in the weather , any reshuffle in the quiver of minutemen missiles in the United States ' desert arsenal , any time Mrs McGinty fails to hang out her Tuesday wash .
5 He found him , or was found by him , on the 22nd of June , in the valley of the river Lugg , near Pilleth , where the steep slopes of Bryn Glas hurtled down to the track on one hand , and the flats and meadows of the river hemmed it on the other .
6 The northern slopes of Sgurr Thuilm sweep down to Glen Dessarry , a favourite Knoydart walk-in route from lovely Loch Arkaig .
7 And then , slowly , arbitrarily , in wandering divagations , every thousand fleck of light , myriads of tadpoles of fire dispersing floated down through the summer night and somewhere came to rest , black specks , on the earth again .
8 I would like to see the likes of West Belfast broken down .
9 I never go round by myself without seeing one because I hear feet scrabbling on the bark or I see bits of fir cone floating down .
10 Tendrils of Virginia creeper crept down as far as the window-frame , and progressed on little circular suckers across the glass , at huge vegetable speed .
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