Example sentences of "[noun pl] i [verb] [adv] know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Somewhere there , but off the would n't it be but erm it was an event erm when I had a rise in wages my mother being a dressmaker she used to have a machine under the little front window and when I got a , I had a , they 'd put my wages up to ten shillings , and when I got in mum came over and said what 's the matter with you she said you seem as if you 're walking on air I said I 'd had a rise in wages and it was up from eight and four pence up to ten shillings I do n't know what that seems but still .
2 I had n't seen you for months I did n't know you for er
3 I mean there are a couple of those words I do n't know what you 're talking about , quite honestly .
4 For three years I have n't known what the big job will be .
5 ‘ For years I did n't know what to do with myself when I was n't acting .
6 Simone 's gran , Gwen Turner , said : ‘ If it had n't been for the prompt action of these two ambulancemen I do n't know what would have happened .
7 ‘ It 's reached muscles I did n't know I had . ’
8 As the zinc is eaten away air bubbl er sorry not air bubbles gas bubbles I do n't know what gas .
9 The Shetlanders were the only children I have ever known who had only to be asked once to perform in public , without even token resistance they took to their fiddles and played .
10 For several seconds I do n't know what made me wake up .
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