Example sentences of "[noun pl] to the [noun sg] over the " in BNC.

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1 It allocated securities repurchase funds to commercial banks at a minimum 8.25 per cent , unchanged from the rate at which it had fed funds to the market over the last two weeks .
2 He also made it clear that motorsport 's ruling authority would be introducing a range of far-reaching changes to the sport over the next two years .
3 To pass beyond it is to cross the threshold into another dimension which , for all its pragmatic gifts to the West over the centuries , remains as mysteriously little-known to us now as it was for the first explorers .
4 Aaron lent modest sums to the Crown over the next ten years , but took no part in the London-based consortia of Jewish lenders which lent so heavily and disastrously to the Crown in 1177 .
5 Ted stood there waiting with the shirt over his arm , waiting to hear the inevitable sequence completed before he went on ; slam the van door , up the outside stairs to the flat over the workshop , another door to slam , and then LOUD MUSIC .
6 The total owed by member states to the organization over the last three years stood at £6,000,000 ( US$11,000,000 ) , compared with the total appropriation for 1990-91 of £25,400,000 .
7 Meanwhile disagreement among the 72 deputies to the Assembly over the draft Constitution delayed its formal adoption until Feb. 9 .
8 The required accommodation was a residence for a family of five and the new owner requested that the living accommodation should be on the first floor to take advantage of the splendid views to the west over the Cherwell Valley .
9 Having tried several adjustments to the system over the past 6 years , I hope this provides a format which will serve us for a good while into the future .
10 There can be no doubt that Linda Nochlin has played an important role in making feminist interests and priorities visible ; this collection shows some of the ways in which she has brought these issues to the surface over the last twenty years .
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