Example sentences of "[noun pl] have been [vb pp] in two " in BNC.

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1 Texts have been classified in two main ways to capture this type of ‘ packaging ’ .
2 However , n3 series EFAs have been investigated in two smaller placebo-controlled , parallel-group trials .
3 ADH subunits are encoded at five different gene loci on chromosome 4 and polymorphisms have been observed in two : ADH2 ( producing three different Β subunits ) and ADH3 ( producing two different γ subunits ) .
4 Aeroplanes have been cut in two by them .
5 I am sure that you will agree that there should be a debate on the Court of Appeal system now that three major cases have been overturned in two years after substantial campaigns .
6 Although ECL cell type was predominant in all tumours , other endocrine cell types have been noted in two tumours .
7 Important milestones have been reached in two long term key information activities described in previous annual reports .
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