Example sentences of "[noun pl] have been [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently the basic concepts have been division of labour , organisational structure , job descriptions , but above all — hierarchy .
2 Its most obvious difficulties have been lack of scale and disappointing growth .
3 Secondly the deliveries of the equipment from the equipment suppliers who had been selected er generally fell behind the promises which they had made , so the main reason for the technical delays has been lack of equipment of the correct standard to proceed with the integration programme erm the erm the problems which beset the programme in nineteen ninety two after the German minister started questioning its future clearly had a direct bearing on that because many of the equipment suppliers , particularly those in Germany , suddenly began to think hey this programme is not going anywhere , why should we invest a lot of effort and and money into it and they slowed down so that has had a knock on effect in in terms of delaying the total programme and erm the result of all of that has been that the current development programme schedule which we have supplied to the committee is probably about as fast as the programme is capable of running .
4 One factor inhibiting the spread of written documents had been fear of forgery .
5 Local authorities have been subject of budget cuts , rate cutting and unfortunately redundancies over the last dozen years or more .
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