Example sentences of "[noun pl] have to be [vb pp] of " in BNC.

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1 The monkeys had to be deprived of their regular food and accustomed to the peanuts for weeks before they would take them with any readiness , let alone treat the nuts as rewards for appropriate behaviour .
2 To that end , ways had to be found of monitoring the achievements of pupils .
3 Nevertheless , just as ways have somehow to be found of taking on the sexually ( or racially ) abusive language heard in the classroom , so , surely , ways have to be found of taking on sexually ( or racially ) abusive language read out to pupils from class novels .
4 The NRA admits that there are no easy solutions to the problem , and says that cases need to be looked at individually , but agrees that ways have to be found of reducing phosphate levels in the water .
5 The Hurricanes had to be shorn of their wings to get through the tunnel but the Fulmars went through with wings folded .
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