Example sentences of "[noun pl] have not always be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In their defence , however , it has to be admitted that the drafting of contracts has not always been perfect , particularly in the simpler forms , where clarity has sometimes been sacrificed to brevity .
2 The Office of Fair Trading chose not to examine this market and the Hatton Garden traders have not always been able to stand up to Ratner 's negotiating muscle .
3 Dr Frankie Walters , chairman of the local medical committee and a general practitioner in west Newcastle , agrees with Boyle 's analysis that relationships between general practitioners and social workers have not always been good .
4 Their reputation amongst Europeans has not always been high .
5 There may be a perennial fascination with the crimes which do exist , but more sober analytic or reflective assessments have not always been pessimistic or anguished .
6 Millions of parts and supplies must be got to the right place at the right time , which is something American military forces have not always been able to do .
7 The relationship between research , policy and practice is not smooth and its past history with regard to social services for children has not always been happy .
8 As the available range of leisure activities expanded such people were less interested in the convivial aspects of Friendly Society membership and more concerned with safe insurance , which Friendly Societies had not always been able to guarantee .
9 It will be suggested that the problem is compounded , because theorists have not always been consistent , but have used the concept of social representation in both particular and universal senses .
10 Results have not always been clear .
11 Accounting for some of the new instruments has not always been uniform , and a variety of arguments have been advanced to justify differing treatments .
12 The precise number of evening papers has not always been easy to fix , since some of those with distinct names ( such as the Evening Mail of Sandwell and Dudley in the late 1970s ) were in fact local versions of a ‘ series ’ title ( in this case , the Birmingham Mail ) .
13 However , the research findings have not always been consistent and there has been controversy over their significance .
14 Nevertheless it is important to note that dividend pay-outs have not always been this low .
15 As the ITVA 's rules on comparative whiteness claims in detergent ads have tightened , the ( by now ) several Persil products have not always been able to use this theme , but its development over such a long period was an astonishing piece of consistency by client management and virtuosity by the agency .
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