Example sentences of "[noun pl] have be [vb pp] over the " in BNC.

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1 The methods have been refined over the years , but not radically changed .
2 However , is it not the case that , under the present Government , thousands of miles of hedgerows have been lost over the years ?
3 One of the snake 's heads droops and three curved lines have been carved over the neck , representing either the severance of the neck or the actual curved blade used .
4 The lack of such participants has been aggravated over the years by high commission costs and clearing fees .
5 Here and there water had fretted the walls into tracery , which glittered as the spear-light slid across it ; elsewhere , colours had been washed over the rock in a shifting mingle of greens , blues and reds .
6 The Lothian proposals for assessing needs have been developed over the past year by the Lothian Assessment and Care Management Steering Group — an interagency group chaired by Lothian Social Work with representatives from Lothian Health Board ( medicine , nursing and planning ) , General Practitioners , District Council housing departments , housing associations , voluntary and private sector organisations and users ' and carers ' groups .
7 Meanwhile two coal-fired power stations have been scrapped over the past two years — a 600 MW station at Dordrecht and a 500 MW station in Amsterdam .
8 The report claims three hundred and sixty five cases of AIDS have been reported over the past three months ; it 's the highest quarterly rate yet .
9 We do have information on the extent to which net conversions have been provided over the past well during the eighty one ninety
10 Although margins have been hit over the past few years by competition from contractors and because the company has kept its prices fairly constant , he said the decision to ‘ cross-skill ’ employees should result in increased margins .
11 Accordingly , a number of migration theories and general statements have been formulated over the years , as shown in Table 5.1 .
12 But though an enormous amount of material about such families has been accumulated over the past century , neither the social anthropologists nor the compilers of genealogical handbooks ( an aristocratic occupation ) have taken sufficient interest in them to make it easy to generalise with any confidence about such family groups .
13 Information on the effects of social work is frequently not systematically collected ; where a programme of research studies has been conducted over the past decade , it has often proved difficult to develop a co-ordinated body of knowledge which can be applied to future work .
14 On Clwyd limestone , fears had been expressed over the possibility of losing the trees along the top of the World 's End crags .
15 Such questions have been raised over the investments of Goldman Sachs 's Water Street Fund in the bonds of Tonka and of JCI .
16 Some fears have been expressed over the possibility of employers discriminating against ENs in favour of first level nurses .
17 More importantly it has also been the experience of the many students on whom the approach , exercises and problems have been piloted over the last four years .
18 The process was never completed owing to a lack of consensus in a number of important areas and only a few piecemeal changes have been made over the years , most recently the creation of Schools in 1989 .
19 In addition , specialist teams have been engaged over the last few years in the systematic examination of the wide range of packaging materials used within the Group .
20 Thousands of pounds have been raised over the past few months by the local community and by Wirral council colleagues of the boys ' father Bob , who works in the highways and building services department .
21 It is interesting that the Bank of Ireland spokesman who gave that figure should have been specific , as members will be aware that many figures have been rumoured over the past couple of months .
22 The National Trust is responsible for the care and upkeep and the old wooden gutters have been repaired over the years .
23 Although you may be tempted towards a lender by the promise of an initial discount , a far better way of telling how competitive they are is by looking at the history of what borrowers have been charged over the last few years .
24 Huge sums have been raised over the years to build and fund the unit but that 's of little comfort to the main hospital today .
25 Trounson says that 13 frozen embryos have been transferred over the past two years , but until this week none has been successful .
26 The spokesman also admitted that it 's not the first time the ladies have been hauled over the coals for selling fags .
27 Many such programs have been developed over the years to exploit the computer 's ability to retrieve and/or manipulate large quantities of data .
28 Many beautiful animal portraits have been submitted over the months of the competition , but it usually takes that special ‘ something ’ to create the magic of a prize-winning photograph — perhaps a bird captured in mid-flight , or the moment of sheer wonder on a child 's face as it encounters one of the several animal species now allowed to roam freely in the zoo grounds .
29 The construction of levadas to carry irrigation and drinking-water has always been a difficult feat of engineering , and many men have been killed over the years in their construction .
30 However their numbers have been halved over the years , as depot space has contracted : four were broken up in 1963 and the remainder numbered 600–607 .
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