Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [been] made [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In July 1969 , the select committee reported in favour of the publication both of the five-year rolling programme in the form of an annual White Paper with a full explanation of what changes had been made that year , and of the Medium Term Economic Assessment .
2 No average for the country is available for comparison , but compared with other areas where similar surveys have been made this figure is regarded as a high one .
3 Anhydrite in minor quantities has been reported at different Devonian horizons in two wells in France and Belgium , and in more substantial thickness in the Dinantian in Belgium ( Massa and Oudin 1980 ) ; intriguing speculations have been made that halite might be present deeper in the Namur and Dinant basins .
4 150 enquiries had been made this year , and potential students are now seeking funding .
5 Accusations have been made that bus drivers already flout speed limits on the estate .
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