Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [vb pp] from a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In recent years a growing sophistication in tachistoscopic half-field investigations has derived from a conceptual and methodological framework known as information processing theory .
2 The trip begins at a Eucharistic Congress in Seoul intended to put the seal on the Catholic Church 's extraordinary progress in Korea , where the number of believers has grown from a post-war 200,000 to more than 2.5 million , and is increasing by 10 per cent each year .
3 TWO Ashington schools have benefited from a green scheme run by students on a health studies course at Northumberland College .
4 The authors have benefitted from a flying start , but have only chosen to run part of the way round the track .
5 The literature of the castle , published by the 29th Laird of Dunvegan , John Macleod of Macleod , makes the business plain : ‘ Since the castle was first opened to the public more than forty years ago , the number of visitors has risen from a few hundred to tens of thousands ’ — many of them Macleod descendants from the New World .
6 The glass firm said all the suspect bottles had come from a new lightweight bottle-making process which had now been halted .
7 The survey suggests the Conservatives have benefited from a slight squeeze on the Liberal Democrats since the weekend .
8 Most notably , the Spanish strategy was being implemented by a modernizing , socially reformist government , while in Britain the increasing pressures on the railways in recent years have come from a radical Conservative government hostile to the public sector in principle .
9 She is right in saying that the west midlands has benefited from a vast increase both in the amount and the share of inward investment into this country .
10 The sounds had come from a hundred yards east of the dell .
11 Spanish-speakers have grown from a third of Dade County 's people to just over a half .
12 Unix System Labs and The Santa Cruz Operation were patting each other on the back last week , their leaders having emerged from a late night session in the midst of SCO Forum with what they called a ‘ workable plan to come together . ’
13 In all but seven of 38 WFS countries located in three major developing regions and having the requisite statistics , the mortality of infants whose mothers had migrated from a rural to an urban place was higher than of those whose mothers continued to reside in rural areas of that country , while statistics for 26 out of 36 WFS developing countries suggest that movement of a woman from an urban to a rural place increases the health hazards and reduces the survival chances of infants .
14 The South Americans have come from a five-nation tournament in Hamburg , where they beat Spain 2-1 and lost to Australia 3-2 .
15 Past questionnaire research on the police has suffered from a low response rate ( for example , Policy Studies Institute 1983a ) .
16 These measures had resulted from a long period of maturation and fitted into Morrison 's 1944 vision of a ‘ legislative programme of social reconstruction ’ after the war had ended .
17 He considered that all the world 's religions had originated from a single source and were the ‘ imaginations formed when such men were ignorant of their own nature , were devoid of experience , and were governed by their random conjectures which … were far from the truth ’ .
18 From the spot in the hedgerow where the four German soldiers had come from a white flag tied to a long piece of wood had suddenly appeared .
19 Throughout 1992 the brewing and distilling industries have suffered from a continuing slump in sales .
20 Some German industries have benefited from a new supply of cheap raw materials .
21 Similar findings have resulted from a recent survey of British school pupils .
22 Consequently , great care has to be taken when interpreting marks seen on aerial photographs , and wherever possible the site should be visited on the ground to establish whether the marks have resulted from a buried archaeological site or from some other cause .
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