Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [vb pp] [adv] from the " in BNC.

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1 All the parties had learnt much from the single transferable vote elections of 1973 and this informed their strategy and tactics in 1975 .
2 Our knowledge and ability to treat pelvic-floor disorders has benefited enormously from the availability of newer diagnostic and surgical approaches .
3 Aga-sagas have taken over from the steamy sex bonkbusters of the Eighties .
4 So far , possible buyers have come forward from the UK , Europe and Canada .
5 The report adds that the question of " burden sharing " is crucial , as past accumulations of greenhouse gases have come largely from the industrialised world while future growth is likely to come increasingly from the developing nations .
6 The province 's four main tournament organisations have broken away from the controlling Northern Ireland Karate Board and have now formed a rival umbrella group of their own .
7 In reactors where there is a little organic matter , the fission products are trapped on clay minerals , but these have been less effective than bitumen — about 30 per cent of the ND has been lost and other lanthanides have migrated away from the core .
8 An interesting trend in recent years is that the balance of support for the DMS has moved away from the private sector of industry and business towards the public sector , especially among the large nationalized companies .
9 The movies had moved away from the slums .
10 At the capitalization party a number of well-wishers had wandered in from the various Labour movement campaigns and organizations which shared the Caxton House office block with NoS .
11 ‘ It was bucketing rain , and in the rain the leeches had climbed up from the water into the trees as well .
12 Those people whose families had moved out from the inner areas still retained some ties with relatives in the inner city , but clearly such ties are by definition weaker in quality than ties with immediate neighbours , and they were dismissed as relatively weak in our inner-city network analysis .
13 John Ensall said residual problems had hung over from the change in working arrangements introduced in January .
14 Two indistinct figures had broken away from the struggling mass and were desperately flailing towards Christine and the safe area at the other end of the executive transporter .
15 OVER the past two years , Swedish investors have come in from the cold .
16 On numerous occasions massive Orc armies have swept down from the north , destroying the towns and cities of Kislev and invading the northern provinces of the Empire .
17 Under the present director , Geoffrey Morgan , a soft-spoken Welshman whose main outside interest is silkworms , the list of names has moved away from the Reform Club and further out into Middle England , although it is still a very long way short of representing a cross-section of the population .
18 Ludens had picked up from the floor a sketch , acrylic on paper , representing ( perhaps ) a pale human figure emerging from a dark marsh or river .
19 Apart from paintings from the Antwerp , Vienna and Cologne collections loans have come mainly from the European public collections , from Stockholm to Berlin .
20 Prosecutions for offences defined under the Merchant Shipping Acts had almost uniformly failed , and shipowners had escaped altogether from the provisions of the Employers ' Liability Act 1880 in which employers had been made responsible for insuring employees against the risks of their calling .
21 Johnson 's forces had pulled back from the centre at the request of Dogonyaro .
22 Then he went on to warn us that , during the cold snap earlier in the year , ice floes had swept in from the sea dragging buoys from their moorings .
23 Industrial parks now stand where pepper plantations used to be , modern buses have taken over from the rickshaw and Singaporeans now live in high-rise apartments rather than the traditional kampongs .
24 The show 's critics have said apart from the racist slur , the Minstrel idea has been and gone .
25 Even President George Bush told his team not to come back to the USA if they failed to win back the Cup while one British tabloid quoted our own Peter Alliss on how the matches have moved away from the original concept of GB v USA and goodwill through golf .
26 ‘ Many of Scotland 's football stars have come originally from the amateur ranks . ’
27 During the twentieth century two world wars have resulted largely from the conflicts among European nations , spreading in the Second World War to encompass the rivalry between the US and Japan ; and although that war may also be considered from one aspect as an ideological confrontation between fascism and democracy , the influence of nationalism was still very great .
28 One of the very few art historians to have moved away from the unique art object to consider more mundane phenomena is Gombrich , whose book , The Sense of Order ( 1979 ) attempts to make generalizations about the nature of design , as opposed to art .
29 The skin from both hands had peeled away from the rest of the corpse .
30 The race of Squats had evolved away from the human norm inside the caves and cramped , carved-out seams of bleak mining worlds which were barren save for minerals .
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