Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [adv] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Seventeen schools have already opted out in Gloucestershire .
2 Seventeen schools have already opted out in Gloucestershire .
3 During the course of the last hundred years or so educationists have progressively sold out to those who have imposed upon the education system the responsibility for attesting attainment and selecting suitable candidates .
4 Already the Five Nations have almost run out of time .
5 The fact that the polytechnics have largely grown out of a technical college tradition , geared to different ends , means that they have practical problems of a kind unfamiliar to the universities today .
6 Rich blacks have indeed moved out of the ghettos ; but estate agents , anxious to protect property prices , still steer even rich blacks away from the nicest , lily-white suburbs .
7 I see what they mean when they say the Mediterranean countries have never missed out on a female god .
8 SPIT THE PIPS , one of the most bizarre bands to have ever come out of Middlesbrough , come to Darlington tonight .
9 Their contents had usually turned out to be machine parts but there had been a couple of times when he had found something a little more palatable — once a case of French Burgundy , on another occasion a case of German hock .
10 Two newsletters have already gone out to all staff , and these will continue in the months to come .
11 Two of the world 's leading buyers have recently dropped out of the market .
12 As far as any of them knew , the last elephant fights had taken place around the turn of the century in the princely states of Rajputana ; and as for partridge fights , said my friends , those sorts of Mughal traditions had all died out at Partition .
13 It is a shock to have the battle of Helm 's Deep decided by the Ents and Huorns , who were last seen marching on Isengard , but whose powers have never come out in the open before .
14 They are often found where hard corals have largely died out as a result of one of the above processes .
15 But , having been seduced into housing packages by the government and the building industry , it is they who must foot the bill — the government wo n't help and many firms have either gone out of business or seek immunity behind a labyrinth of legal protection .
16 German-speakers used to do a lot of research there , but unfortunately , Hispanic studies have practically died out in this country .
17 It should be said that the forecast figures have probably turned out to be slightly high , particularly for 1991 , since it seems unlikely that the US Department of Commerce would have foreseen the downturn in the global economy which is now biting so hard in all industries .
18 Although Laps has now passed out of the benign hands of David and Lotte Lapidus , who ran it for some 50 years , the tradition lives on as does the style of cuisine , best described by the Yiddish word hamisch .
19 The impression of a house where the occupants had just walked out for a stroll in the garden was very strong .
20 Stars have always gone out of their way to watch them
21 One of the young men had just come out of prison , and there were many cheerful jokes about his very short hair-cut .
22 They had walked the perimeter his men had already marked out in preparation for the stockade he planned around the new settlement ; the deputies had taken this in , uttering cries among themselves at the tools his men handled .
23 In her family , the men had never walked out on their colonial responsibilities .
24 The Centre refreshment vehicles had virtually sold out by Monday evening and record receipts were taken on Sunday and then Monday .
25 And despite ( or perhaps because of ) all the loans and all the aid , the net effect is that billions of dollars have actually moved out of the poor countries and into the rich countries .
26 Sensibly , but with some sensitivity , her boss made the same points to Muriel as he had made in his reference , asking her at the same time if these conflicts had ever arisen out of the office with family friends or neighbours .
27 They reduced the number of questions , leaving more room for follow up — this despite the fact that some groups had apparently run out of questions the previous week .
28 Chris Thompson Cycles has also helped out with discount and a sale or return deal on spares .
29 Once surrender had been agreed to , it was obvious that the Partisans had one object , and that was to secure , as they termed it , the " Booty of War " … within an incredibly short time , certainly less than twenty minutes , the Partisans had all emerged out of the hills and lined the main road for several thousand yards .
30 We argued that Western rulers had finally taken out against Saddam not because he was a monster but because he had broken loose and was no longer their monster .
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