Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As far as noise reduction is concerned , sealed double glazing units have about the same value as having the window reglazed with glass twice as thick as the original glass .
2 However , the technology is moving very fast and , as pen computers come into common usage , prices will fall as dramatically as the prices of conventional computers have over the last couple of years .
3 Having thus fire and water at every dwelling , there is no need to enquire why they dwell thus dispers 'd upon the highest hills
4 Pawson has pointed out that in building the canals , British engineers had for the first time " to grapple with large scale civil engineering problems " .
5 My information , until corrected , is that he is the vice president of the European Peoples Party and it 's a rather ambivalent relationship the er Conservatives have with the European peoples party .
6 Johnson may be a forlorn , pathetic creature who was never clever enough to emulate more sophisticated cheats who can mask the effects that steroids have on the human system .
7 ‘ Even a cursory glance at the island of Ireland 's relationship with the EC since 1973 confirms that Britain has not pursued Northern Ireland 's interests anything like the extent which Irish Governments have for the 26 counties , ’ he said .
8 Instead , he promoted a ‘ Disraelian sense of the obligation of local businessmen to exercise leadership in the big cities as their predecessors had in the Victorian heyday ’ ( Parkinson and Duffy , 1984 , p. 81 ) .
9 It seems to us that a market economy depends upon the confidence investors have in the perceived fairness of the market process .
10 Mothers and daughters tend to develop a close grooming association which tends to persist so that these close relatives have about the same rank , the daughter 's being contingent upon that of the mother .
11 What effect does he expect the very welcome news about mortgage interest rates to have on the retail prices index ?
12 Now this , I think , GPs had in the old days , they had much more exciting lives … .
13 Crowson made a detailed experimental study of the experimental requirements for good results using the tube method for B , in particular the effect tube ends have on the measured compliance and the optimum value of the length-to-radius ratio .
14 What did the Americans have as the main part of a thanksgiving dinner ?
15 It is precisely because market forces have in the long run caught up with the operation of the CAP , as they inevitably would , that we are in such trouble .
16 I am encouraged to have seen that submissions based on such discussion are increasingly made by counsel and entertained by the courts and your Lordships have in the present appeal benefited from counsel 's industry in this respect .
17 My Lords , er , er , er no doubt that all of your Lordships have throughout the last hour and forty minutes felt a great deal of sympathy with the Noble Earl Lord
18 At his subsequent trial , Benjamin Hayler , a 23 year old labourer , married with two children , gave one of the rare insights historians have into the individual perceptions of the poor :
19 It would be most interesting to know if you can think of other potential members — our seminars have in the last year or two proved popular and have been extraordinarily cost effective .
20 The second one is that there is proper provision erm available for erm the particular disabilities which the children have within the ordinary school , that the other children in the school also receive proper provision — you can see what 's in the mind of the drafters of the bill there , that if you have some children who could potentially be disruptive , then they might in fact make it very difficult to educate children without these special handicaps .
21 The lands to the north and east of a line joining these two houses had in the ninth century been conquered and to some degree settled by pagan Scandinavians , who had destroyed the existing monasteries and several of the bishoprics , and such evidence as there is suggests that the Christianity practised within them retained aspects upon which the stricter kind of churchman would have frowned .
22 Many countries who received aid to introduce the Green Revolution had repressive regimes , whose policies had in the first place brought about the poverty .
23 Cooper was trained as an art historian and he applied the same methodology and rigorous scholarship to his chosen artists as earlier generations had to the Old Masters .
24 Can you remember any nicknames had by the local folk ?
25 The revolutionaries might as well have come from another planet for all the relevance their schemes had to the real concerns of the peasantry .
26 The predominance these spatial constructs have for the ordinary constable is essential to an understanding of the police mind .
27 The telephone is very often the only link these loyal citizens have with the outside world they can no longer walk in safety to the local telephone box to make their calls , and even if they could , when they get there it is out of order .
28 There is little evidence so far , though , to suggest that counterurbanization has halted the decline of service provision , since population thresholds for services have at the same time been rising ( Johansen and Fuguitt , 1984 ) .
29 The only advantage these videos have over the live experience is that you 're guaranteed a clean toilet with paper and towels and you can stop them to make a cup of tea .
30 PAKISTANI authorities have for the first time begun arresting farmers in the North West Frontier Province who have been found planting opium for next year 's harvest .
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