Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [verb] on [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The 1893 Act allowed institutions a Parliamentary grant per pupil , but only if the institution/asylum met the standards set by the periodic visits of Her Majesty 's Inspector , so in order to meet these standards and obtain their grants , schools had to improve on the conditions in which the pupils were taught .
2 Instead , a divorce will be there for the asking , but only when the parties have agreed on the finances and the children .
3 Several hundred thousand Spaniards and non-Spaniards had died on the battlefields of Spain between 1936 and 1939 ; at least 200,000 more were to be executed during the next few years , 2,000,000 would suffer imprisonment or forced labour , and millions more again faced a lifetime of discrimination for having fought on behalf of the Republic .
4 In the meantime counsellors have to rely on the officers at the scene to specifically ask victims if they want help , perhaps with the use of a leaflet .
5 It is astonishing , given the need for monitoring , that the Commission 's Sixth Report on the Completion of the Internal Market , published in June 1991 , makes almost no reference at all to the enforcement of provisions of the single market , and although there is an account showing which national parliaments have legislated on the directives , implementation at national level is only one side of the coin : the report does not address implementation at local level .
6 The first great white flakes had melted on the pavements , now it was falling thicker and faster , building up on the window ledges and in the cricks and crannies , turning to slush on the roads as the traffic churned through it .
7 Many spectators had squatted on the dunes surrounding the 6th , most of them on the Maiden itself .
8 The high speed tow is just one of many video nasties police have filmed on the regions motorways .
9 Other radical feminists have focused on the problems to women of men 's control over their work , especially in the home as unpaid housewives .
10 As it turned out the final Report , published in 1889 after almost five years of investigation , did embody a number of recommendations regarding the education of deaf children in future Education Acts , thus setting out for the first time proper legislation with regard to compulsory entry , ages of admission , the length of education , the size of classes , and even that Principals/Headmasters of boarding institutions had to reside on the premises .
11 During the fighting in Beirut large numbers of armed militiamen had appeared on the streets .
12 Since the beginning of September until this week there has been practically no rain , and the wind has never reached gale force , so the leaves have stayed on the trees far longer than usual , with a constantly changing pattern of glorious colour .
13 Now that the problem has been identified , federal and state health ministers have agreed in principle that this type of service should be a federal responsibility and discussions have started on the practicalities .
14 In recent months a parcel of galleries have sprouted on the streets between Spring and Grand in SoHo — not an area previously gallery-intense .
15 ( 1984 ) suggest that the mixed results obtained in recognition experiments can often be explained by the fact that researchers have concentrated on the effects of schemas on numbers of hits and false alarms in different conditions .
16 Indeed , the Teds had appeared on the streets before postwar meat-rationing had been abandoned in Britain — which might suggest that they belonged to the world of postwar austerity , rather than ‘ affluence ’ .
17 For thousands of years the marmots had lived on the banks of the lake in Central Asia where they played host to a flea called xenopsylla cheopsis and a tiny bacillus , or disease , called pasteurella pestis , with no dramatic consequences to any of them , and not the slightest impact on the rest of the world .
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