Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [be] [vb pp] out in " in BNC.

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1 The situation at the moment in the field of research in homoeopathy is that much encouraging and interesting work demonstrating effects of homoeopathic potencies has been carried out in a wide variety of laboratory and clinical models .
2 Plans to dredge the top metre of sediment off the north Cornwall coast have been put forward by Marine Mining ; exploration drilling for deeper placer deposits in buried river channels has been carried out in Mount 's Bay and St Austell Bay .
3 Throughout the 20th century biomedical and biological research on animals has been carried out in the University of Oxford .
4 However , some limited studies using animals have been carried out in France .
5 The main lawn and border shapes have been laid out in a flowing line that leads you through the garden , echoing the curve of the path .
6 The sauce from Mr Bishop 's tomato ketchup bottles had been emptied out in great red gobs or smeared over the cupboards .
7 Outside , the gardens have been laid out in the Italian style , with wide staircases from level to level , which should look spectacular when more mature .
8 ‘ Accountability is an examination or assessment of how well responsibilities have been carried out in terms of results that have actually been obtained and the efficiency with which they were achieved . ’
9 Surveys of T. canis prevalence in dogs have been carried out in most countries and have shown a wide range of infection rates , from 5% to over 80% .
10 Once the topics had been set out in an order which would make sense to the recipients ( in this case of a postal questionnaire ) then the questions could be worked out .
11 The West German Finance Minister , Mr Theo Waigel , ruled out a common German currency until economic reforms had been carried out in the East .
12 In a somewhat terse paper — it being considered that the more substantial analysis of principles had been carried out in the HMI document A View of the Curriculum — it was maintained that throughout the period of compulsory schooling , from 5–16 , all pupils should undertake study in English , mathematics , science , religious education , and physical education .
13 It is hard to argue the point since no broad surveys have been carried out in Bangkok , but what is known offers little ground for hope .
14 Recent surveys have been carried out in the United States by Hardesty ( 1978 ) and in the UK by Malley and Moys ( 1982 ) .
15 Many self-report studies have been carried out in schools , which will tend to result in school drop-outs and truants being excluded from the sample and lead to an unrepresentative sample .
16 Where research studies have been carried out in different parts of the country it is difficult to disentangle anything which might be attributed to regional variations specifically , from other systematic variations by gender , class , ethnicity or variations over time ( that is where changes in patterns of family relationships have occurred between the 1960s and the 1980s ) .
17 The Doctor had explained that in 1969 a man had walked on the moon ; that unmanned space flights to other stars had been sent out in the 1970s and towards the end of the twentieth century manned space flights had visited other planets in the solar system .
18 Language tests had been carried out in the breach rather than the observance .
19 Of course , much survey and exploratory work on the North Sea Oil fields had been carried out in the years previous to our patrols .
20 The only consolation was that a series of valuable recces had been carried out in an area they had not previously visited .
21 That 's it , my short movie is complete , and , once the actors and backgrounds have been sorted out in their respective editors , it only takes a matter of ten minutes to assemble the final movie .
22 In their introduction Sugden and John indicated in 1976 ( p. 1 ) that the study of glacial processes and forms had been left out in the cold and poorly understood because a gulf had arisen between those who study glaciology and those who study glacial landscape and deposits , and further that :
23 Addressing a special session of the Cortes ( parliament ) on Feb. 1 , Alfonso Guerra , who at no time condoned his brother 's alleged activities , acknowledged that Juan had used the government office but said that this was because he was helping him as deputy secretary of the PSOE , and he denied that private activities had been carried out in the office in his presence or with his knowledge .
24 Exploration for placer tin deposits has been carried out in South-west England off the north and south coasts of Cornwall ( see under tin in Appendix 1 ) .
25 Councillor Mrs Brereton stated that planting of trees and bulbs and tidying up of paths had been carried out in Bloomiehall Park b ) the Railway Inn would be closing on the expiry of its lease and c ) further planning applications had been made by Lorimer House .
26 Low comfortable chairs had been set out in a square ; too comfortable for-some , because there was a distinct buzz of snoring from the other side of a rack of trade journals , broken only by the bats ' wing rustle of folding and refolding newspaper .
27 There were little spots of cement all along the top , where the railings had been torn out in the war .
28 Most of these options have been closed out in the last two decades .
29 Numerous MEG supported projects have been carried out in this area , especially by Noranda-Kerr , and all data are available on Open File .
30 Further field investigations have been carried out in the Orissa region of India .
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