Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 During the course of the last hundred years or so educationists have progressively sold out to those who have imposed upon the education system the responsibility for attesting attainment and selecting suitable candidates .
2 I ca n't remember when I have n't had to work on Christmas Day became the animals have never got round to recognizing it as a holiday ; but with the passage of the years the vague resentment I used to feel has been replaced by philosophical acceptance .
3 The benefits of sustained economic growth in the developed countries had not filtered down to the developing nations during the 1980s .
4 Four companies have already signed up to the scheme , and the Centre has the capacity to look after three or four more — it has already had about 20 applications .
5 The dogs have been kennelled , and the bodyguards have either gone back to bed or have fallen asleep in the hall .
6 Their contents had usually turned out to be machine parts but there had been a couple of times when he had found something a little more palatable — once a case of French Burgundy , on another occasion a case of German hock .
7 Two newsletters have already gone out to all staff , and these will continue in the months to come .
8 Successive personnel managers had always caved in to his demands as they knew full well that Clasper would win a stand-up fight .
9 It should be said that the forecast figures have probably turned out to be slightly high , particularly for 1991 , since it seems unlikely that the US Department of Commerce would have foreseen the downturn in the global economy which is now biting so hard in all industries .
10 Throughout his bachelor years — and during his marriage — his partners have simply fitted in to his lifestyle .
11 At the same time the press had been tipped off that the Health Minister was leaving the country on holiday from Heathrow and half a dozen photographers had literally chased on to the runway to photograph him .
12 But Americans had already moved on to another massive and distinctively North American style , the station as office block .
13 ‘ Even though PDAG is not to be abolished until next April , it seems members have already given in to the Tories .
14 Most colleges have now gone over to the modular system of teaching , which means you can achieve your degree ( or other qualification ) by combining the study of those subjects , however dissimilar , which interest you the most .
15 One of the men has already come back to Britain voluntarily , the older one is fighting extradition
16 Their minds had not reached out to the terror of what had in fact happened .
17 Consequently , when he had found suitable accommodation , his wife and children had also gone back to England .
18 He said the buy-out had been a possibility for some time , but the two sides had only got down to serious discussions in the past few months .
19 Hundreds of new age travellers have already turned up to the site .
20 To her surprise , the gunfire did n't seem to be directed at them , and she wondered if the rebels and soldiers had finally got around to fighting each other directly .
21 Now openly tipped as a candidate to succeed Norman Lamont as the next Chancellor in a summer reshuffle , the bookies have also cottoned on to him as a possible future leader of the party and cut his odds from 33-1 to 16-1 .
22 Perez says he is well aware that expert systems have n't lived up to the promises and claims that were being made for the technology three or four years ago , but claims Neuron Data was well aware of its limitations at the time and was already busy putting Open Interface together .
23 ‘ But all the men I 've met who I 've felt would make good fathers have invariably turned out to be men I could n't love … ’
24 This could either indicate that online services are failing to be useful , which is doubtful given the significant use that planners make of them , or that the online services have not lived up to the planners ' expectations .
25 Needless to say Jeffery , and many others , have had little difficulty in showing how all such attempts have inevitably boiled down to the arbitrary moral predilections of the criminologists concerned .
26 With their bizarre appearance and seemingly mysterious but treacherous way of life , the dodders have certainly latched on to human imagination as successfully as they do to the innumerable species of plants they parasitise , spawning fables , myths and fascinating names such as love vine , immortal vine , vine in the sky , beggar vine , strangleweed , devil 's gut , scald and so on .
27 Dr Kumar said John Major 's attacks on the Liberal Democrats had clearly got through to middle-income earners terrified by the thought of a Labour Government .
28 But there are other causes of bad conditions as well as overcrowding : many prisons are old and decaying , and the newer prisons have often turned out to be so badly designed that they are not a noticeable improvement .
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