Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [adv] [verb] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He passed the rope through the now open apertures , down into the place where those toffee-brown overcoats had once hung and above them the brown felt hats with their Cambridge-blue ribbons .
2 Doubts have recently arisen as to the value of miscue analysis , both in theory and as a viable practice for teachers ( see , for example , Potter 1980 ) .
3 Pluvial and arid periods had always alternated but at some point the latter must have come to dominate in a prolonged drought .
4 In recent years , the amount of work available for dockworkers has drastically declined because of the growing practice of loading and unloading goods in containers at depots outside the port areas .
5 Other studies have also demonstrated that during the second year most children become responsive to the distress and anger of other family members ( Cummings et al .
6 Long term serological surveillance studies have also found that in most patients without H pylori infection , 12 months after anti- H pylori therapy , both specific IgA and specific IgG antibody values were lower but had not yet returned to the normal range .
7 Eleven of 36 male CLO patients had never smoked and of those who had smoked the median pack years accumulated was 15 ( mean 20.3 , range 5–60 pack years ) .
8 Conversely the make-up girls had less to do than in the black-and-white days .
9 When the sun rose on Cheddar Cliffs — as the gorge was invariably called — he found a scene which justified superlatives , and which travellers had long regarded as among the most remarkable natural sights in lowland Britain .
10 The fast food pizza chains have rapidly developed and alongside traditional Arabic , fast food concepts are actively competing to secure prime retail space .
11 Epileptologists have long speculated as to what governs the transition from the interictal to the ictal state .
12 Events have also shown that in this day and age the exercise of a right to silence affords protection for the guilty and is unnecessary to safeguard the innocent .
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