Example sentences of "[noun pl] for [noun] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The reasons for failure in these projects tend not to lie in the technical side , though the technology is complex , nor in the economic side , though the cost of these systems is very high .
2 Its direct workforce of 240,000 accounts for 7% of all jobs in the city .
3 The price includes en-suite accommodation , chalet maid service , nonstop entertainment , swimming pools , sports facilities and planned activities for children of all ages .
4 Where this is the case the applicant must file at court : ( a ) a written request for leave setting out the reasons for the application ; and ( b ) a draft of the application for which leave is sought on the appropriate form , with sufficient copies for service on all respondents ( FPCR , r3(1) ; FPR , r4.3(1) ) .
5 The definitions for inclusion in these subgroups and the underlying diagnoses are summarised in tables I and II .
6 A separate Manifesto for Scotland sets out our record in detail and our proposals for building on these achievements .
7 All social services departments are being hit by inflation and are short of cash and staff with which to meet the many urgent requests for help from all sections of the community .
8 All we ask is that over the next year , you make four more selections from over 300 titles for children of all ages — each picked by our expert panel for its quality and educational value , and described for you in our free monthly magazine .
9 Every buyer , lessee and mortgagee of land adjoining a railway should by letter , with a plan , search before exchange of contracts for details of any rights of the Authority over the land or any liability for maintenance of boundaries attaching to it .
10 The group can consist either of other elderly people , or special groups for people of all ages with an alcohol problem .
11 The clouds had cleared and the cold stars flashed little blue signals for people of all countries to pick up and decode as they liked .
12 The court had heard that the Davies family had kept animals for years without any problems , but the dogs neglect happened during a traumatic period when one of Mr Davies ' daughters died from an illness .
13 In the 1750s , orangs from Sumatra reached Holland , but it was not until the 1850s that the English scientist Alfred Wallace ( see page 164 ) actually saw orangs in the wild and inevitably collected specimens by shooting them , the way that even the best naturalists obtained animals for study in those days .
14 Recently there has been a reappraisal of general dietary considerations for diabetics on both sides of the Atlantic ( Nuttall , 1980 ; Nutrition Sub-Committee of the British Diabetic Association 's Medical Advisory Committee , 1982 ) .
15 Computers for use in both areas ( such as the IBM 370 range ) may provide two sets of instructions : a one address set for word operands ( using an accumulator ) , and a two-address set for character string operands .
16 Sensitive areas were avoided by many schools for pupils at all stages .
17 As a capital city whose population includes , among students and more generally , a wide variety of religious , national and ethnic groups , Edinburgh can offer ethnically-based social facilities and opportunities for meetings for several forms of non-Christian religious observance .
18 As a capital city whose population includes among students and more generally , a wide variety of religious , national and ethnic groups , Edinburgh can offer ethnically-based social facilities and opportunities for meetings for several forms of non-christian religious observance .
19 There are many opportunities for students from all disciplines to enhance and make use of their computing skills while they are undergraduates .
20 Industry will especially be looking to the polytechnics to provide a further and much needed stimulus to innovations already taking place in higher education ; in particular , in the development of mixed degree courses , modular courses coupled with practical experience , and of the sandwich system of education and training generally , and in the opening up of opportunities for women in all branches of higher education , not least science and technology .
21 This employment context of increased competition between applicants for insecure part-time or fixed-term jobs with few protective conditions , suggests that the ideals of rehabilitation and normalization — that is the restoration of opportunities for participation in all areas of civil society will be extremely difficult to implement within the terms of hospital rundown .
22 As we shall see in Chapter 5 , other elements of prison life are equally important , such as the amount of time prisoners are kept cooped up in cells and the lack of opportunities for activities of all kinds .
23 Where the surfaces of cast-iron columns and other compression members display cracks , these defects need not necessarily reduce the opportunities for re-use of these elements .
24 Headington Community Education Committee seeks to respond to local needs and interests by providing a wide range of educational opportunities for people of all ages .
25 In this chapter we consider briefly the scope of the single market and how its development and future evolution provide threats , challenges and opportunities for growth for all businesses , large and small alike .
26 It reflected to some extent the failure of reforms to provide sufficient opportunities for graduates of both sexes and was indicative of the devaluation of knowledge already referred to .
27 The thresholds for sensation in the upper , mid , and lower anal canal after operation did not differ significantly from the thresholds for sensation at these sites before operation as determined by mucosal electrosensitivity .
28 His bid to halt the cycle route was defeated and the committee recommended allowing access into and through the High Street in both directions for cycles at all times .
29 This is not an activity restricted to schoolchildren , there are lots of organisations abroad that are anxious to find penfriends for people of all ages .
30 Propaganda buys direct from London and sells clothes and shoes for club-ing for both sexes .
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