Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [Wh det] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Honey magazine recognized this and acted on it in an extraordinary way with the launch of the ‘ Honey boutiques ’ in the major conurbations , so that the groovy styles portrayed in the magazine could be had by hitherto deprived readers in whatever part of the sticks they had the misfortune to live , with no more trouble than a Saturday day return fare .
2 The report also outlined areas in which implementation of the White Paper had been delayed , including the publication of strategic reviews of nuclear and renewable energy , both of which had been postponed , and the failure of many local authorities to publish plans for achieving the 25 per cent recycling target .
3 The colliery villages were clearly places in which control of the workforce was strong , beyond the normal social relationships between employers and employee which were established at the pit itself .
4 If one looks at the majority of market experiments in which convergence to the market equilibrium is rapid , one sees that the decision-problem solved by the subjects in such experiments is relatively simple ; recently , however , there have been a number of more complicated market experiments in which the subjects face more complicated decision-problems .
5 Not until Catherine II deliberately established permanent provincial assemblies of the nobility ( 1785 ) were there any estate institutions in which pressure upon the central government might gather momentum — and even then the assemblies remained passive and ill-attended .
6 Can you see ways in which life for the family has become better and become worse .
7 Thirdly , as far as enforcement is concerned , there are many ways in which compliance with the traffic laws is essential for pedestrian safety — illegal parking and drunken-driving being obvious examples .
8 Next week the series finishes with a panel discussion about the ways in which society of the future will be affected by the computer revolution .
9 In Chapter 5 we saw that two people were pre-eminent in influencing the ways in which planning after the war would be determined .
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