Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [noun] that [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That is getting away from the old system whereby the County Council held a vast store of advisers in Macclesfield House , stacked up , and schools that needed them requested them and off they went , but schools in fact that wanted perhaps a different sort of advice , was n't able to get it from Macclesfield House , and could n't buy it outside because it did n't have the money to do so .
2 Cloudy trophies lined the hall and stairwell : theatre bills bawling the names Lupino Lane , Gladys Morgan , Donald Peers , for appearances in theatres that closed long ago .
3 The link , he suggested , was the ‘ intuitive poster art , words to songs that are not quite understandable , superimpositions in films that do n't quite focus into a subject ’ , all of which , he contended optimistically , ‘ move us towards the new era ’ .
4 This means that managers in companies that perform well should be paid very much more than they are now ( and the prospects of dismissal for poor performance should be increased ) .
5 There is none of that apparently aimless wandering in short stretches , punctuated by frequent bends , going halfway round the compass to reach the next hamlet or village , which characterises the byroads in country that has never been in open field or left it several centuries ago .
6 The Reports of the various Working Groups , taken together , should allay these misgivings and reveal possibilities for collaboration across disciplines in ways that have not yet been widely recognised , with each making its distinctive contribution .
7 This involves a slight drop in picture quality , but the copying can be done as a part of the editing routine ( see page 82 ) and the loss in quality is then offset by improvements in presentation that editing inevitably brings .
8 As with XLA , most human genetic disorders arise from mutations in genes that encode currently unknown proteins .
9 It is not clear however whether it has a neuronal-specific regulatory role , because the data obtained in non neuronal cells were obtained by transient transfections in cells that do not show any hypersensitive sites in this region of the promoter of the endogenous NF-L gene .
10 The tree produces its nuts in groups that fit neatly together like the segments of an orange and are packaged in a box .
11 This makes sense when you consider the stored bank of CFCs in products that have not yet been released in the atmosphere .
12 But even under optimal conditions in captivity , we see very different potential lifespans in organisms that do not seem to differ in their risk of damage , showing that the degree of ageing has evolved .
13 With these ideas , in concrete mathematical form , it was relatively straightforward to calculate the allowed orbits in more complicated atoms and even in molecules , which are made up of a number of atoms held together by electrons in orbits that go round more than one nucleus .
14 Tumour ‘ promoters ’ are substances such as the phorbolesters that are n't carcinogenic by themselves but encourage the growth of malignant tumours in cells that have previously been exposed to a low dose of a true carcinogen ( known as an initiator ) .
15 Choueka [ 1988 ] has designed an algorithm for locating collocational expressions in corpora that does not include any morphological or syntactic component and does not require any dictionary lookup .
16 However , radicalism makes outright cancellation a possibility — for if the station stops providing jobs ( or , rather , provides jobs in places that have not yet welded themselves into a firm lobbying coalition ) what is it good for ?
17 The Pensioner was , however , careful to note that ‘ it 's the votes in Parliament that show up your MP , NOT WHAT HE SAYS ON THE PLATFORM . ’
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