Example sentences of "[noun pl] in [noun] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Whitney Museum of American Art has established an honorary award to be given annually ‘ to an individual or representatives of an organisation who have made a significant contribution to the arts in America through a sustained commitment to the diversity , quality and originality of American artistic achievement ’ .
2 Despite the fact that many advanced western economies have similar characteristics in terms of a high degree of industrialisation , urbanisation and technological development , they nevertheless display markedly different degrees of labour force unionisation .
3 — to demonstrate materials and methods in use in a local context .
4 Hyperbolic functions are commonly used in kinetics : eg , the speed of waves in water over a shallow bottom is given by : V ² = 1.8 L th ( 6.3 d / L ) where V is velocity in knots and L is the wavelength in feet .
5 The official attitude to British Jewry taken by the BUF saw Jews in terms of a national rather than a religious or racial issue .
6 The moment he finished , an elderly mandarin with a white , wispy goatee appeared from behind another pillar beside the throne and translated the emperor 's brief address into melodiously accented French : Several times the Resident Superior dipped his chin an inch and lowered his eyes in acknowledgment of a dutiful reference to " the great protecting nation of France , " and when the translation ended he inclined his head more formally without bowing .
7 Most of them went through the ritual of gazing about them with curious eyes in search of a familiar face among the crowds .
8 Although the prison is euphemistically called a rehabilitation centre , the women staff workers are known to arrange appointments for the prostitutes with the male guards in exchange for a small return and there is no attempt to train the women to help them find some other form of employment when they are freed .
9 Once more employer influences in favour of a restricted bargaining base were reinforced by congruent considerations on the union side .
10 There may be deadlock and paralysis , but the government that will eventually take office will emerge after protracted bargaining between the parties in Parliament after a general election and without any reference to the electors and their wishes .
11 In empirical work , the unit of analysis is typically taken as the nuclear family or household , and the distribution based on all such units in existence at a particular date .
12 Nevertheless , NCVQ is considering the accreditation of ‘ stand-alone ’ units in response to a strong demand .
13 First , a small representative group discussing subjects in depth with a trained observer leading and reporting conclusions .
14 Indeed one corner of the bed was supported by a number of books in place of a missing leg . ’
15 And how he could work up to his thighs in water in a two-foot seam of coal .
16 When this is given as written practice it is usually between 250 and 3,000 words in prose on a given subject .
17 During the test , the child is required to indicate a choice from a selection of pictures in response to a verbal stimulus .
18 With no native capability for remote administration and maintenance , it will be difficult to set up NT servers in locations without a skilled administrator .
19 He said : ‘ Regrettably Scottish Homes tenants in Tweeddale will have their rents raised by Scottish Homes in April by a full 9 per cent .
20 If you are allowing yourself a daily ration of alcohol , allow these calories in addition to a minimum calories ' worth of food and milk from the F-Plan menus .
21 The slimy floor of shifting sediment is useless to young oysters in search of a hard sea bed for a lifetime 's home .
22 The decision came after the UN Security Council had accepted an Iraqi proposal offering to release the inspectors in exchange for a joint inventory of all confiscated documents .
23 Elizabeth Newman , course tutor , ( who also lectures in the Department of Linguistics ) has arranged teaching practice in schools with qualified , experienced ESL teachers on the staff , which has meant that not all the schools in Sheffield with a high proportion of ethnic minority pupils are suitable .
24 Most moves are of a short distance and into larger schools , away from schools in areas with a high proportion of local authority housing , towards less disadvantaged areas and to schools with high academic attainment .
25 On 31 January , 1972 , the sectarian Six Counties state , founded by Britain to protect British interests , unleashed its force and violence on Civil Rights marchers in Derry on a peaceful demonstration against internment without trial .
26 Thus McNair , writing in the post-Charter era , asserted that a State that becomes aware that a treaty concluded between other States will impair its rights can make diplomatic protests and , if it can establish jurisdiction , commence proceedings before the International Court , or take other steps in pursuance of a peaceful settlement to the dispute .
27 Dodman was sentenced to 18 months in prison with a further 12 month sentence , to run concurrently , for the other four charges against him .
28 If you are manually recording in a diary a secretary should check the dates three months in advance on a daily basis .
29 For example , they can not impose a custodial sentence that is longer than six months in respect of a single offence .
30 The ubiquitous shellsuit will , however , retain its popularity as a leisure garment , although buyers will be opting for designs in fabrics with a softer handle , such as that achieved by special finishes such as acid , stone or garment washing , which can be applied to both woven and knitted cloths .
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