Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [v-ing] in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus direct mail , cash and carry , and ‘ pick your own ’ ( fruit , vegetables etc ) operations are increasing in response to consumer interest in this approach .
2 As the example of housing palpably shows , conflict arises in the most acute form where these resources are in short supply and where all social groups are competing in pursuit of the same objective .
3 A hundred and thirty three Manchester United fans are appearing in court in Istanbul after trouble at a hotel .
4 At the moment computers are increasing in speed by an average factor of ten per annum , and the number of computers in use in the Western world is increasing by about twenty-five percent per year .
5 The World 's top three-day eventers are getting in shape for the Badminton Horse trials next month … and they chose Oxfordshire for their last-minute preparations .
6 Large losses are occurring in warehouses of all types and are causing concern .
7 The Board have further pointed out to the Committee that some Tutors are sending in End of Module Test Results for Students who have not reached a pass mark ( 60% ) in the Tests .
8 To decide on craft that will fill the gap from 1987 onwards , leading west European nations are meeting in Paris on 21–23 March .
9 And that 's er just broadly speaking we we wish to support the general approach that North Yorkshire and it 's districts are taking in terms of changing the trend .
10 She saw it was herself , there on the canvas ; in fact it was so much herself that she could not believe that she could be both people , one here on the studio floor and one sitting there clasping her knees , her eyes lost in faraway visions , her white feet on wet black rocks against which little waves were breaking in plumes of spray .
11 Even though the official ideology of the SNP posited a technocratic non-class Scottish national politics ( Hyslop , 1979 ) , many of the party 's supporters were reckoning in terms of cutting adrift from Tory England ; settling accounts with the ‘ Tartan Tories ’ could come later .
12 Tom and Faye 's parents were living in London for a year , and most of Bill 's family lived in Cairns , so there was to be no Russell or Hamilton family Christmas this year .
13 I arrived home and my parents were standing in front of the fireplace .
14 We then came back to London where fortunately no journalists or television crews were lying in wait for us , because the mission had been unofficial .
15 On the very day his paper went to the General Committee the polytechnic directors were meeting in conference at Coombe Lodge , together with Toby Weaver and others from the DES .
16 On Jan. 31 the office of UN High Commissioner for Refugees reported that Somali refugees were arriving in Kenya at the rate of 700 a day bringing the total there already to 140,000 .
17 The UNHCR was already operating eight camps in Kenya but said that more were needed as refugees were arriving in Kenya at the rate of 2,800 a day .
18 ‘ Mrs Shakespeare , ’ said the interviewer , ‘ now that we know what the terrorists are asking in return for your son 's life , has your view of the situation changed ? ’
19 Reed beds are growing in popularity as a natural method for treating effluent , following the successful £5 million project at Billingham .
20 That night , even as Grant 's and Springfield 's combined troops were mustering in Rockford for their council of war , the Prophet returned to his luxurious city apartment from the final meeting of his latest highly successful and highly profitable crusade .
21 The sewing industry in Saratov reported that its factories were closing in January through lack of demand for its products .
22 There are some diesel-only incentives too ; earlier this year , Peugeot dealers were throwing in £150-worth of diesel fuel with every sale .
23 I am pleased to report that I believe the various committees are working in unison to further develop the understanding between them .
24 Isolated detectors are sitting in laboratories around the world , waiting for a piece of dark matter — hot , cold , lukewarm or otherwise — to come along .
25 Similar problems are occurring in Rondonia in the southwest of Brazil , where the Polonoroesti road-building project is attracting some 70 000–80 000 settlers per year as the forest is opened up .
26 ( 3 ) Special rules apply to determine whether connected market-makers and fund managers are acting in concert with the offeror or the target company ( see paras 7.7 and 7.8 below ) .
27 It was as though I were sitting in a movie and my actions were flashing in front of my eyes .
28 The hypothesis was that firms were decentralizing in search of reserves of labour , and probably cheaper labour since wages were likely to be lower in areas with high unemployment ( 1976 , pp. 71 — 4 , 102 ) .
29 If agreement was reached that inter-generational equity existed under the present system , then option l would mean that current taxpayers were benefiting in relation to future taxpayers , on the other hand , option 3 would mean that future taxpayers were benefiting in relation to current taxpayers .
30 If agreement was reached that inter-generational equity existed under the present system , then option l would mean that current taxpayers were benefiting in relation to future taxpayers , on the other hand , option 3 would mean that future taxpayers were benefiting in relation to current taxpayers .
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