Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [verb] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Computing skills are consolidated and further developed .
2 The structures of related polyamides do not always lead to this neat arrangement of intermolecular bond formation ; for example the geometry of an extended nylon-7,7 chain allows the formation of only every second possible hydrogen bond when the chains are aligned and fully extended .
3 Many rural branch railway lines disappeared in the early 1960s , while the bus services that have replaced them have in many cases been abandoned or severely curtailed .
4 The fourth functional activity is that of control which monitors and assesses whether resources and activities are allocated as originally planned and authorised .
5 All appears chaotic , yet comparisons among the temples reveals that , although complicated , their plans are ordered and carefully thought through .
6 The siting of the control and communications unit where the emergency signals are received and possibly monitored for secondary action i.e. isolating services etc. , is imperative , and slave mimic display panels should be considered at other and remote positions from the prime risk areas to ensure cover for the control of the emergency operations .
7 A further 60 can be used but not sold , while 70 formulations are banned as originally planned .
8 The flying logbook is an official document which is carefully filled in after each flight , and after each month 's flying the entries are verified and then signed by the Flight Commander and the Squadron 's Officer Commanding as being correct .
9 S1 nuclease mapping of start sites for transcription and purification and sequencing of 32 P-labelled fragments were performed as previously described ( 14 ) .
10 Land registers record disused public-sector land : between 1981 and 1988 , about 50,000 acres were identified and subsequently developed .
11 Although the contralateral impairment observed with simultaneous digit presentation to the two ears was found after both left and right sided lobectomy , the overall efficiency of recall was much higher for the right temporal group of patients .
12 So no matter how insignificant at the time , it is important that all finds are reported and properly recorded .
13 His double-buckled shoes are spanning and deeply embedded in two concrete paving slabs , showing him ready to repel all advances , metal or human .
14 About 40 possible sites were inventoried and then proposed to the appropriate regional authorities for an opinion .
15 After pressing , the pockets were tied and then stored in the ground-floor storage area , which was only required as a space in which the pockets were hung and for stoking the fires in the kilns .
16 Colours are apprehended as spatially extended .
17 Brussels sprouts , summer cabbage , calabrese and leeks can be sown in a seed bed — a nursery area of the vegetable plot where seedlings are grown and then transplanted to rows on the main plot at a later date .
18 When a large number of British nationals are killed or seriously injured in an aircraft crash , ministers have to answer questions from MPs about the event and , of course , ministers look to the government aircraft accidents investigation organisation for information on the subject .
19 Isolates were obtained and successfully grown in vitro from 40 patients .
20 Assay for platelet activating factor — Washed rabbit platelets were prepared as previously described .
21 Nuclear extracts were prepared as previously described ( 29 ) .
22 The animals were anaesthetised three hours later and gastric blood flow and area of gastric lesions were measured as previously described .
23 In those days a new house was usually constructed out of wooden hut sections of which there was a plentiful supply as most of the troops stationed here in the war lived in wooden prefabricated buildings and when they left Orkney the buildings were dismantled and then sold .
24 The true nature of design requires that vague concepts are handled and gradually manipulated until preferred values and forms emerge .
25 A higher quality of timely competitor intelligence is possible when the corporation 's intelligence resources are identified and centrally co-ordinated .
26 Problems are individualized or even suppressed rather than openly explored with all the possible difficulties that this entails .
27 or ( e ) The way in which goods are packed or otherwise got up for the purpose of being supplied .
28 First , if the cause of the purchaser being unable to return the goods within the approval period is something which occurs entirely without his fault and beyond his control ( e.g. if the goods are stolen or accidentally destroyed ) he can offer that as an excuse and property will not pass , Re Ferrier ( 1944 Ch. ) .
29 Many details , such as the reproduction of type-script and the printing of a page askew as if that was how it came out of the type-writer , suggest the fiction that the novel is a draft , a preliminary version , but of course the pages are printed and therefore fixed .
30 Firstly of course , many sincere viewpoints are held and vigorously presented , perhaps reflecting a morality that is now unfashionable or less prevalent ; these viewpoints are always with us and it is proper that they should be so , and that they are seriously and sympathetically heard .
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