Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [adv] [v-ing] to be " in BNC.

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1 The mechanisms behind these interactions are still waiting to be unravelled , but there are indications that small messenger molecules may be important .
2 see your skills are n't going to be wasted .
3 to find time to do your work because your exams are still going to be on the same day are n't they ?
4 Your bones , your eyes , your hair , your teeth are all going to be scrutinised by a panel of judges who are looking for your all-round potential , not just an impressive academic display .
5 Despite volunteers raising £55,000 to overcome the immediate financial nightmare , attempts are now having to be made to ensure the line 's long-term security .
6 However , with the main continental European economies unlikely to grow any faster than the UK over the next year or so , exports are not going to be a powerful recovery force for the economy or corporate earnings through 1993 .
7 Meat production is obviously inefficient for all sorts of reasons and meat production from beef reared intensively is really wasteful by all sorts of criteria ; it is very expensive on fossil fuel , it is not very productive in terms of food energy and the animals are obviously having to be killed in the process .
8 After considerable discussion , sale controls are now being enforced by the police and their efforts during the past six months are already beginning to be reflected by increasing compliance with the regulations .
9 I thought it was very interesting indeed all the information , and obviously I think one question is which schools are now going to be called in that were n't here before , and will that lead to a better distribution of collection points across the city ?
10 Alongside demands for increased professional autonomy for teachers , their professional organizations were also pressing to be included in the education decision-making processes .
11 Our psyches are simply refusing to be overloaded .
12 So jewellers can not get their new stock hallmarked and 800,000 articles are now waiting to be examined before they can be put on sale .
13 The Cadbury report is a masterpiece of brevity , but its full scope and implications are just beginning to be realised .
14 It 's a resource erm that is needed in order to provide children with a whole variety of learning problems with specialized teaching , with specialized education , and we think in the Labour group that it is a tragedy that those needs are not going to be recognised .
15 Erm and i also need to be concerned that the health authority I think is claiming that this merger will actually give them a better erm size population for research purposes for for purchasing , however , I think that it may well be that particular health needs , people in West Essex and Harlow in particular which has , for example , a rapidly ageing population and therefore needs facilities had not been planned into the town by way of health erm , that those statistics , those pockets of need are going to get overlooked in a much more large and vast disparate statistical picture , stretching from Hertfordshire right across to the coast I think it 's too big a sample and we need to make sure that our specific needs are n't going to be overlooked in all that .
16 Obviously with this sort of music the ideas are n't going to be : ‘ Yes , my girlfriend is a nurse and I would like a job in the pit ’ .
17 They claim thousands of dogs are currently having to be put down after being found wandering on the streets around the country .
18 er , if the , if the , er service charge costs had gone up in the meantime , obviously after you reached the end of the first accounting period you have some accounts to go on and you have a much better idea of what the costs are actually going to be
19 But of course if salaries go up evenly throughout a forty year lifespan and the Chairman is given a forty year lifespan which is quite or pension lifespan which is quite a suitable one , if salaries go up and someone leaves their company every ten years , then the first three departures are obviously going to be at much lower salary levels and it 's not going to be satisfactory the first three departures are just index linked to inflation , there is the problem of how does one index link them towards the final salary .
20 I fear that the courts sorely missed assistance from academic lawyers specialising in this branch of the law ; but the law faculties in our universities were only beginning to be established towards the end of the 19th century .
21 Furthermore , expenditure in future financial years is now going to be difficult .
22 But as the debates over possible American intervention in Bosnia showed , there are many cases where such conditions are not going to be met ; where the political case is confused , the endgame a matter of guesswork .
23 Erm , so we 've got , resources are always going to be taken out of the most efficient sectors if we , if we use protectionism .
24 He has seen that the Masai stories and dreams are not going to be much use in the years to come .
25 Play-pens are now having to be made to a new British Standard , which involves using a simulated ‘ bite ’ test .
26 At some point it might be that you have to accept that things are not going to be as you 'd hoped .
27 Things were n't going to be too bad , he decided .
28 But from the beginning I sensed that things were n't going to be easy , not for any of us .
29 Perhaps things were n't going to be so bad after all .
30 At Mrs Parvis 's , things were often pretending to be other things , like Mrs Parvis saying one thing when she meant another , things were hiding other things , like scraps of rug concealing cracks , white glass windows concealing sick children .
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