Example sentences of "[noun pl] and is [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 Established stable star , Golden Freeze , who misses the King George after grazing a knee in a fall on the road , has responded well to antibiotics and is expected to be sidelined for only two weeks , but this injury and all the firm ground have made a mess of Mrs Pitman 's plans .
2 One set of coaching stock has been converted to air brakes and is intended to be worked by this loco .
3 It lives in large family groups and is said to be as shy as it is fearsome-looking .
4 Transport Secretary John MacGregor , MP for Norfolk South , has been approached by the family of Bondone of his constituents and is believed to be making his own contact with Sir Nicholas .
5 Set amidst panoramic views of snow-capped mountains of up to 11,000 feet , the lake is one of earth 's outstanding features ; 400 miles long and up to 50 miles wide , its dazzling blue , crystal clear water is over a mile deep in places and is reckoned to be one fifth of the world 's supply of fresh water .
6 Maria Elena Aparicio was sentenced to seven years and is believed to be held in a women 's prison in Havana .
7 Rio de Janeiro has suffered several outbreaks of dengue in the past four years and is expected to be hit hardest by the new epidemic .
8 Ceausescu 's aim in issuing such a threat was probably to frighten Hungary , but Romania already has the delivery system in the form of Soviet built Scud missiles and is believed to be developing its own missile with the help of Egypt and Iraq .
9 The third inroad or principle is that if income arises to the trustees and is required to be paid to the life tenant then the life tenant is taxable upon it whether or not he receives it ; his entitlement to the monies is enough .
10 The contract is denominated in deutschemarks and is expected to be used by fund managers managing their mainland Europe portfolio exposures .
11 No 86 MEFS at Bloemspruit will continue to train for those bound for Daks and bigger transports and is tipped to be the last to convert to the ‘ new generation ’ Dakota .
12 This present offering is a portable game , suitable for two or more players and is guaranteed to be in action whatever the weather or the time of year .
13 The Home Secretary has ordered a review of unit fines and is said to be keeping an open mind about other parts of the Act .
14 The enzyme progastricsin , is present in 30–40% of gastric adenocarcinomas and is thought to be useful in differentiating between colonic and gastric adenocarcinomas .
15 It is therefore found only in children and is said to be caused by ‘ polluted breast milk ’ .
16 Triton SCI will offer bridges to VME-based systems and is claimed to be five times faster than systems that will be built around the emerging Futurebus+ standard .
17 During inhalation , the NO is absorbed by erythrocytes as they pass through the lungs and is thought to be inactivated by tight bonding to the haem , which is subsequently metabolised to methaemoglobin .
18 Dentine is universal in vertebrates and is thought to be the most primitive of vertebrate hard tissues .
19 Fear is the commonest change in mood associated with complex partial seizures and is thought to be exclusively related to the right temporal lobe .
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