Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Amongst the challenges faced by P&O Distribution was the task of moving two giant bronze hands , weighing in at around five tonnes and valued at £50,000 safely through the heart of London to their resting place at one of the entrances to Chelsea Harbour .
2 FIVE people were killed and 33 injured when a packed train skidded off the rails and spun into trees yesterday .
3 From an animal welfare point of view the chasing of a fox or a deer round the countryside with dogs and followed by men either on foot or mounted on horses is a cruel practice which can not be justified .
4 The sleeping-bag he rolled up in the blankets and tied with belts so that he could carry it on his back .
5 These five zones , indicated on Fig. 4. , are interpreted as major thrust sheets and designated for convenience here by arbitrary capital letters .
6 Casual encounters on the beat are kept to a minimum by the public , primarily , the police claim , as a result of intimidation , and constables get few opportunities to display the interactive skills that might foster good community relations , although the rare occasions when this happens are seized upon by the men and recalled with pleasure thereafter .
7 When humans arrived , the dove demonstrated a behaviour pattern that it must have inherited from its ancient ancestors and kept in storage ever since .
8 Unlike thinking , which has been discussed by philosophers and systematised by logicians ever since the Ancient Greeks , problem solving has only recently become an object of study .
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