Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb past] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 Corbett narrowed his eyes and squinted up at the sky .
2 He screwed up his eyes and stared unseeingly at the calendar on the further wall .
3 He wiped the sweat from his eyes and looked down at the automatic in his hand .
4 Lambert opened his eyes and looked bleakly at the map .
5 He measured out thirty paces and stared up at the crenellated boundary wall which was about twenty feet high .
6 He shrugged his shoulders and looked dumbly at the grain on the wooden table .
7 She straightened her shoulders and gazed up at the unremitting blue of the sky .
8 The priest rested his elbows on his knees and looked down at the floor .
9 Bodie went up the steps and stared down at the girl , who looked up at him pathetically .
10 The monk licked his lips and looked sideways at the Bishop .
11 However , ’ he stamped his feet and looked up at the darkened mass of the church , ‘ no one , not even in Southwark , can be that degenerate .
12 The coroner stamped his feet and looked up at the star-filled sky .
13 The lassitude still on her , she came slowly to her feet and looked down at the boy , who stood up , shifting uneasily .
14 Fulke shuffled his feet and looked down at the floor .
15 He sucked in deep , racking breaths and looked up at the two men .
16 He arrived at 1.30am on the first day , slept for a few hours and turned up at the clubhouse to find he was in the field .
17 They stood on the banks and looked across at the blanket of fog coming from the river .
18 Polly felt a blush warm her cheeks and looked down at the food .
19 We filed into the boxes reserved for the writers and gazed down at the acres of empty seats .
20 Finds at the south Iranian site of Shahr-i Sokhta , as well as much further afield in Egypt , suggest that lapis lazuli was circulated in the form of lumps and worked up at the various centres .
21 Wyn-rajathuk rubbed ash between his palms and stared down at the smear of grey lines .
22 But the rest of me ignored those details and clutched hungrily at the reassurance that she had n't really played a willing part in my humiliation .
23 She folded her arms and frowned briefly at the memory .
24 Getting out of bed , Rachel flung open the curtains and looked out at the September morning .
25 Harry tugged back the curtains and squinted out at the painful brightness of a frosty morning .
26 As the creature moved within five metres of her , she held on to the chair with both hands and ran straight at the creature 's unprotected stomach area .
27 Gladys Brown clenched her hands and stared down at the bony knuckles .
28 Dissenting Labour councillor Eddie Dryden refused to support the spending cuts and hit out at the way the proposals were presented to the Labour group prior to the meeting .
29 He rested his dark head against the pillows and gazed up at the ceiling as he spoke .
30 She laid down her letters and stared blankly at the wall .
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