Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [pers pn] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And , well , I was n't doing anything , so I just started writing songs again — but this time they were guitar-based songs and I was working on a Portastudio .
2 We had a word in their ears and it was left to the hospital to deal with them , ’ said the police spokesman .
3 GCHQ have analysed the signals and they are designed to completely confuse the whole system controlled from Bacton . ’
4 That started because I think Charles saw that they were eventually going had to give way to twenty additional fire fighters and they were looking for safety within the service .
5 One of those who will be first to move , Mrs Jean Cooke , a secretary in the Sales Department , said , ‘ I have seen the plans for new offices and it is going to be super .
6 ‘ It 's part of the pattern , Charles ; society disintegrates before our eyes and we are expected to paper over the cracks . ’
7 Because it is it is very simple if you follow the guidelines and I 'm gon na point out one or two things why it 's essential that you do not make an appointment to go and see people unless they know everything up front .
8 There were hundreds of companies coming to us for funds and they were meant to be writing their business plans properly and cogently .
9 well that would make your twenty would n't it because if you have four speakers and you 're aiming for sixteen punters
10 ‘ In future it will run on Thursdays and it 's designed for people who are a bit shy or who want to protect their anonymity . ’
11 She 's riding in big cars and she 's dressing like a tart .
12 When they came in to work they park their cars and he was playing in the car park .
13 Most programs are tested on big powerful computers and they are tested in conditions where there are enough resources — memory , disk space , printers even — to do the job successfully .
14 And Donald 's gon na go and take away all those words and he 's gon na put them all into a dictionary all by himself .
15 It was as if the whole weight of the Abbey 's sombre traditions were bearing down upon his shoulders and he was shrinking beneath the load .
16 The first time I wore this , I 'd had it for about two months and I was talking to Princess Margaret , but as we spoke , I could see she was following my hand with her eyes .
17 His reign as champion , however , lasted only two months and he was stopped in the tenth round of a return contest in New York City .
18 She 'd only been at school 2 months and she was found to be blind .
19 Cambridge looked anything but promotion contenders and they were flattered by the final scoreline .
20 Teachers felt that this text offered them many opportunities for the development of the understanding of parental roles and it was thought to be a book from which all sorts of related topic work could be derived .
21 A few more steps and he was confronted by the high rusting gates that guarded the church and the graves beyond .
22 Time buckles and I am skewered to this one moment .
23 The man 's clothing had been reduced to rags and he was loaded with fetters .
24 Erm I think th as far as lorry drivers are concerned Stan and I both go around various companies and you are dealing with car drivers , van drivers , large goods vehicle drivers such as yourself , and er it 's fair to say that erm there are different levels of ability in each case .
25 We have made visits to actuarial societies in every corner of the globe and received many overseas visitors and we were struck by the similarity of the issues we face .
26 She delighted in visitors and she was moved by all their woes and troubles .
27 We are creating a business which can think on its feet and we are committed to building a company of quality . ’
28 The moon was at her feet and she was clothed by the sun and so she waited .
29 There was no barrier against the elements and he was buffeted by the gale-force winds , which whipped across the open wastes of moorland .
30 They 're all statues and I 'm dancing into the gaps between them , rolling into the spaces like I 'm a ball of water — a red watery marble rolling along the street and nobody ca n't see me and nobody ca n't catch me .
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