Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] him [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then suddenly he thrust his head between his owner 's legs and hoisted him into the trough with a resounding splash !
2 A crowd of eager customers would be awaiting his arrival outside the shops and attack him for the particular colour , size or style of dress they had been waiting for .
3 Josh Gifford wheeled Honey End round , took him back a few paces and put him at the fence a second time .
4 Alan wrapped one of his cot blankets round his shoulders and took him to the kitchen to make a drink .
5 She laid her hands on Peter 's shoulders and kissed him on the cheek .
6 He was very nearly as tall as her , but she put an arm under his shoulders and supported him to the untidy room which served as the stable office , calling to one of the stable girls to take over the class .
7 Absolutely , ’ he said , hooking an arm around the man 's shoulders and leading him from the porch .
8 Lucie slipped the scarlet waistcoat off Gabriel 's shoulders and skinned him of the white silk shirt .
9 He eventually let go of me and I had to go the bottom of the baths and bring him to the surface , take him to the side and get him breathing again , and I was considered a failure for that .
10 I wipe my lips and follow him to the door .
11 The boys stood this for as long as was decent , and then , after a particularly heavy blow to the head , the brothers grabbed the Bosnian refugee by both feet and up-ended him over the sand .
12 Vi jumped to her feet and followed him to the door of the church , wincing in the sweet , cold air .
13 He loosened the gyves , dragged Corbett to his feet and bundled him through the door , along the passage and up the steps into the pure , dear air .
14 He wedged his clothes into a gap between boulders above the waterline , then grabbed Carey 's feet and pulled him towards the edge .
15 Ruth shot to her feet and faced him across the table .
16 Whitlock sprung to his feet and caught him on the side of the head with a stinging haymaker then followed up with two brutal body punches that dropped him to his knees .
17 Or how they had inflicted cuts with a small sharp knife , then sprinkled salt into the wounds and kicked him round the room so he had to twist sharply and feel the pain of the salt crystals in the raw open flesh .
18 Two other watchers take hold of him , lift him up to remove his shoes and thrust him into the dance .
19 Any action on the part of a religious or other teacher which undermines an individual 's awareness of his personal and family duties and leaves him with the means to claim that a ‘ god ’ will relieve him of them , is an action which is utterly irresponsible .
20 Campion stabbed his finger twice , once at Carson , you , and then towards the road shoulder , over there , and then Sorvino put the Ford across the Mercedes ' bows and slowed him into the side of the road .
21 Fonda claimed that this first experience began the halt of a downhill slide into alcoholism , acquisitive , habitual spending on fast cars , Cessna airplanes , fine suits and provided him with the insight to revoke his staunch conservative opinions and adopt a liberalistic , casual , ‘ don't-give-a-fuck approach to life ’ .
22 His cheerful London accent seemed to bring her back down to earth , and she hurried to unlock the bolts and let him into the hallway .
23 We have closed our ears to his cries and left him in the shadows while we walked in the light . ’
24 Judaism and Islam could be called polytheistic religions in the sense that they do contain traditions that represent Jews and Moslems as called upon to choose one of several gods and follow Him to the exclusion of others .
25 He cleared the breakfast things and left him with the small addressed postcard that he had been provided with to write a message on for his mother .
26 An undated letter from the abbess to Edward , probably written at this juncture , wished him prosperity in his affairs and reminded him of the convent 's special relationship with the English crown .
27 Fedorov and his men had knocked him down , broken his glasses and kicked him in the ribs .
28 He delivered a ringing First Amendment call to arms , enjoining the assembled audience of about 2,000 people to step forward from the sidelines and join him on the battlefield to protect the artist 's right to express himself as he wishes , unhindered by the tastes or intrusions of the government .
29 He stuffs his pistol into the top of his trousers , tilts one of the two heavies back onto the rear chairlegs and drags him out the door , clumping down the steps to the gloom outside .
30 Georgina took him in her arms and kissed him on the lips .
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