Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [conj] there [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 And one of the most experienced U-boat commanders , Adalbert Schnee , who had been on sixteen patrols and later became a member of Dönitz 's staff , gave evidence that it was contrary to orders to kill survivors and that there could be no excuse for what Eck had done .
2 In practice , this may mean that old people are exposed to risk in their own homes and that there will be , on occasion , tragic consequences .
3 This view could not easily be maintained as the evidence mounted that , despite their negotiations with Sir Herbert Samuel and the TUC 's meeting with the Prime Minister on 12 May , the strike had been called off without any guarantees that those who had been involved would not be victimized by employers and that there would be no immediate resumption of negotiations between the coal miners and the coal owners .
4 Prayer here could be that the Christians would be strengthened in their witness through the Wimber meetings and that there will be a strong witness to Germany from the March .
5 A minority of three recommended that all equity shareholders should have a right to attend and speak at meetings and that there should be a prohibition on the listing of non-voting or restricted-voting equity shares .
6 Shultz and Weinberger opposed Poindexter 's plan , pointing out that it undermined America 's much-stated policy , usually made in conjunction with Mrs Thatcher , that no deals must be made with terrorists and that there could be no question of bargaining to get hostages released since this would inevitably lead to more abductions .
7 If an Act of Parliament says that A ( who may be a minister or a commission or a local authority or an individual ) shall be the person to settle certain specified questions and that there shall be neither appeal to nor review by any other body or person ( including the courts ) , then A's decisions are unchallengeable so long as ( a ) it is A , not another , who decides , ( b ) A decides those specified questions and not others and ( c ) A does not act in bad faith or with similar impropriety .
8 Over the last few months SCOTVEC and the National Council for Vocational Qualifications ( NCVQ ) have collaborated to produce a joint statement , the main feature of which is an agreement that SVQs and NVQs are compatible in their essential features and that there will be mutual recognition of these throughout the UK .
9 It took place quite a long time ago , it is known as the cessation of the plebs there were two occasions on which the workers of of Ancient Rome and withdrew from the city and their t the terms on which as as far as I recollect the terms of their return where that somebody should write down the law in comprehensible terms and that there should be a special officer , a tribune appointed who could if necessary explain what the law was to them .
10 The implications are therefore that , where bilingual pupils need extra help , this should be given in the classroom as part of normal lessons and that there may be a need for bilingual teaching support and for books and other written material to be available in the pupils ’ mother tongues until such time as they are competent in English .
11 We also propose that health authorities and provider units should report on their plans and achievements and that there should be a new national database on contractors for major services .
12 It took me nearly twenty minutes to talk her out of the loo , finally having to promise that Nevil was not a friend , that he would n't call the police and that there would be no need for Mr and Mrs Binkworthy to know anything untoward had happened that afternoon .
13 There is considerable evidence that markets are expecting a realignment following the Maastricht negotiations and that there will be downward pressure on sterling , testing the Chancellor 's resolve over interest rates .
14 It means that there must be constant vigilance by the authorities ; it means that there must be methods of responding swiftly to alarm bells that may be rung either by staff or by children and that there must be alarm bells that can , in real life , be rung .
15 Surely it is a ludicrous notion to suppose that two scientists on their own in a remote basement lab could claim to solve the world 's energy problems so that the scientific community would take up this claim , that world leaders would ask for regular briefings and that there could be nothing in it at the end .
16 They have claimed the shirts and while there might be those who are knocking on the door , because those who are in are producing the goods , it means they are keeping the door tightly shut at the moment . ’
17 There is a substantial belief in ‘ scientific management ’ in enterprises and although there may be modifications of this basic notion it remains remarkably robust .
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