Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has had over the years to be much restored , having been damaged three times by earthquakes and also outrageously neglected by the community of monks , who seem to have had an unnatural taste for litigation — one lawsuit between them and the locality lasted almost throughout the eighteenth century .
2 It can not exactly be ascribed as a right of the pupil , however , since he can not ensure that the other schools and so on ask for the record .
3 In the circumstances , hotel use was clearly a good second best , as it meant that the staterooms could be used for functions and so still seen by the public .
4 The scaup in flight is almost identical but although scaups are common enough around the coast they are exclusively winter visitors and not often seen on inland waters .
5 It 's quite a shortsighted policy , if you look at the er , because , if you erm , if you introduce subsidies to actually protect the domestic industry then that 's often going to cause retaliation from other countries and therefore effectively sealing off any trade , any effective trade at all , and consequently because there 's no competitive pressure on the domestic industries , they 're not going to feel the need to make themselves more productive , which they would do when there was competition .
6 For this reason , we started the book with microeconomics and only now turn to the study of macroeconomics .
7 This approach does not preclude analytical discussion of the musical notes themselves ( some critics have appeared to erect a false antithesis between contextual and notes-based history ) , and the author has judged very well how much space to devote to purely musical matters and how deeply to go into technicalities .
8 In the latter two cases the objects concerned can be given spatial co-ordinates and thereby unequivocally distinguished from any other particulars of the similar sort .
9 Divided among themselves over how far to adhere to the traditional policies and how far to adapt to a changing foreign and domestic environment , the Bakufu 's members became incapable of decisive action .
10 This project should enable us to say how far the characteristics of the individual ( their feelings of originality , efficacy , conformity , alienation , anxieties , and so on ) account for their political and economic values and activities and how both relate to social position .
11 The 1798–9 version of The Prelude ( or the first two books ) may be read at this point , and if the reader finds more to enjoy in the narrative sections this is entirely appropriate since they appear to have been written as separate entities and only later blended into a single poem .
12 Since someone tried to kill him with a parcel bomb back in Lusaka , he 's moved several times and today still goes in fear of his life .
13 I must have passed that florist 's in Rumsey Road several hundred times and never really looked at it , let alone into it .
14 After weighing for the heaviest berry — duly recorded in the ledger by the recorder — any prizewinning berry is removed before they are weighed for the heaviest twelve awards and then again selected for the heaviest six .
15 He has also agreed , following the practice adopted in previous years and as specifically requested by the employers and the teachers ' unions , to consult the same interested parties on the details of the draft pay document giving effect to the Government 's recommendations .
16 He had been with the police for 14 years and only recently transferred to Whickham police station near Gateshead .
17 This probably has its roots established over many years and very often built on myth .
18 Small companies still tend to be inhibited by the cost of using such services and within larger firms the knowledge of their benefits still seems to be limited to a small number of individuals and not widely recognised within the company as a resource .
19 He never singled out individuals and always publicly stood by his team .
20 Sympathetic to Germany , hostile to the entente with France , and unmoved by Belgium 's plight , he campaigned for neutrality in 1914 , and , as soon as this effort failed , launched the Union of Democratic Control , which opposed annexationist war aims and later also called for a negotiated peace .
21 I am not the only person who has had a tumultuous year , and I am immensley proud of the way the British face their problems and so often succeed despite them .
22 She has also functioned as an extremely efficient troubleshooter on our system , identifying problems and very patiently liaising with our software suppliers when problems have arisen .
23 This she loved , and it led to her , Dad and Shadwell going to dinners and parties with all kinds of ( fairly ) important people — not the sort we knew in the suburbs , but the real thing : people who really did write and direct plays and not just talk about it .
24 Using BM though is mainly a question of understanding the basic principles and then carefully experimenting on the job , learning through doing .
25 Met someone today , the third of a partnership trio in which I have had contact with two over the years for different reasons and he said look in re CV for i/view practice if I want — he was with a local enterprise company helping with startups and job searches and now voluntarily helps with just such a counselling group via one of the big churches in Edinburgh for redundant executives — the figure quoted to me recently re architects in Scotland is that forty per cent are redundant .
26 It had long been held as a general axiom — quite incorrectly , as Catalonian experience showed — that entail caused a régime of short , unstable leases and once again stood at the head of the estorbos , the impediments to progress .
27 Christians fast to prepare for a feast ; the modern world feasts and then queasily goes on a diet .
28 I do aerobics and basically just run around a lot !
29 A splendid Arctic picture with snowy mountains , icebergs and so on had as a centre-piece a small hole in the ice with a board saying , ‘ Danger ’ .
30 Jenna looked down at her toes and then quickly looked at him , wanting to say something to ease this tightness between them .
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