Example sentences of "[noun pl] of their [noun] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Leaders are only leaders because they have followers ; no leader can for long ignore the views of followers ; and the absence of overt party constraints on leaders should not blind us to the fact that leaders need to anticipate the reactions of their followers if they are to retain a measure of needed support and loyalty .
2 Professional workers may best be able to serve the interests of their clients if they are part of a strong , independent and highly qualified group which , of course , may also serve the personal ends of the members .
3 But the jury of neighbours who decide upon your fertility might not look too kindly upon you if they think you are going to bring up your children as Jehovah 's Witnesses or Servants of Baal , or use the terror of hell as a way of controlling them : or beat the soles of their feet if they get the Koran wrong .
4 Instead , we had the bizarre suggestion that prison order was likely to be more easily maintained if , on entering a prison , prisoners were given a little package telling them the consequences of their actions if they stepped out of line .
5 At Coventry in 1701 , to give one typical example , one Whig alderman threatened to deprive a couple of local alehousekeepers of their licences if they refused to give both their votes to the Whig candidates .
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