Example sentences of "[noun pl] of a [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 It will assess the internal characteristics of a selected group of enterprises , including the skills and capacities of their owners and managers .
2 Here we are reminded of studies carried out some years ago in Germany on the personality characteristics of a large group of professional painters and sculptors .
3 What may appear to be one type of soil may have the attachment characteristics of a different layer of soil beneath it in which case the underlying soil dictates the chemical .
4 Evangelical propaganda was thus able to achieve a sharp impact : while evangelicals like James Plumptree and Thomas Bowdler produced expurgated songs and literature , evangelical intellectuals like William Wilberforce , Hannah More and others such as Thornton and Stephen associated in the Clapham sect set up as moulders of a new ideology of domesticity , which not only proposed the family as a Christian haven in a disrupted world , but put forward a code of rules and regulations for the governing of individual lives .
5 Alternatively it may be of great specialist interest to the readers of a particular set of publications but of no personal interest or use to the staff on those journals .
6 Such factors as the growth in unemployment and numbers of one-parent families mean that a major aim will be to identify more specific indicators of a heightened risk of entering care .
7 To what extent are recent developments indicators of a fundamental betrayal of a different value system ?
8 In the woman , the vaginal muscles will rapidly flex and relax and , with this , waves of a generalized sensation of extreme pleasure will take possession of her .
9 The general or ‘ philosophical ’ curriculum that I advocate would be based on a single principle : that the less narrowly a child 's critical faculties are confined within the bounds of a single set of concepts or procedures , the more easily he will be able to adapt to life after school , whether at work or in higher education , and the more free his imagination will become ; these two targets in fact being one and the same .
10 Jasper , at nine , was a sturdy , broad-shouldered , dark-haired boy , very handsome , with strong regular features and eyes of a curious shade of dark violet-brown .
11 The trials of the underground press in the early seventies discredited obscenity law in the eyes of a new generation of jurors , and acquittals of hard-core pornography soon followed .
12 However , in the same Pul Eliya context , the business of the two pots with the gold coins formed part of the procedure for bringing a spirit medium out of his state of possession , while the business of the head shroud worn by an individual in a state of dangerous sanctity occurred in an elaborate ritual for the painting of the eyes of a new image of the Lord Buddha .
13 But there are two further points which emerge from considerations of a wide range of literature relating to public enterprise : big investment decisions have been complicated and delayed as a result of having to be considered by a number of government departments ; such decisions have been easy prey to party political pressures when they have involved the location of new plants and/or closure of old ones [ Knight , 1974 ] .
14 We may find the attractions of a particular member of the opposite sex irresistible , even though the better judgment of our better self tells us that a liaison with that person is not in anyone 's long-term interests .
15 Our special living Museum is constructed appropriately in the huts of a genuine Prisoner of War Camp build during 1942 .
16 Casey Miller and Kate Swift , the authors of a useful Handbook of Nonsexist Writing , are typical representatives of the symptomatic tendency .
17 They are two of a kind , it seems to me , authors of a paranoid comedy of the dualistic imagination , while also different .
18 Authors of a multivariate analysis of the demographic determinants of early child mortality based on WFS data ( Hobcraft et al , 1985 ) even suggested that child-spacing and , with increasing age of the child , socio-economic attributes , such as education are the dominant sources of variation in the survival of an offspring .
19 As the authors of a 1906 investigation of 6000 women workers in Birmingham put it , either ‘ women are compelled to work because their husbands are unsteady , drunken or idle , or the husbands develop bad habits because their wives remove the burden of responsibility from them ’ .
20 Below her there were fugitive glimpses of a winding thread of water that was the canal .
21 Craning and peering , they caught glimpses of a minor forest of lances and standards , though the number of riders was probably no more than a score ; and rumour on rumour flew down the street before them , and name on name .
22 What is perhaps more surprising from a Marxist viewpoint is the restricted provenance even among working class Labour supporters of a developed conception of politics as ‘ class conflict ’ ( let alone any revolutionary conception of the possibility of an alternative social order ) .
23 Not only did they omit to date their editions , but they had almost identical books in the 7/6d [ 37½p ] and 3/6d [ 17½p ] category in cloth covers of a great variety of colours .
24 Businesses with up to 20 employees and a turnover of less than £1m will be the main beneficiaries of a new generation of easy to use accounting systems from Sage .
25 I have already remarked on the different situation thirty years ago , when criticism still occupied a traditional place as part of public discourse , and the first books of a distinguished generation of British critics — Bayley , Davie , Hoggart , Kermode , Wain , Williams — were reviewed in the daily and weekly press .
26 Does he agree that any Department which adopted such a policy would have the grateful thanks of a vast number of women ?
27 On January 11th , 1984 the NCB revealed the main aspects of a new version of the ‘ Plan for Coal ’ : the stabilisation of output at around 100 million tonnes ; the closure in the near future of 8 million tonnes of high cost capacity and a continued policy of high wages and high redundancy payments .
28 It is not a comprehensive overview of all aspects of a complex set of issues .
29 A Soviet Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs , Valeri Nikolaenko , who visited the Cuban capital Havana on Sept. 21-22 , stated that agreement had been reached on the practical aspects of a staged withdrawal of a 3,000-strong Soviet training brigade and on a " specific time frame " for talks on further withdrawals .
30 The most problematic aspects of a modern concept of citizenship is the need to promote the sense of national identity or in some way to secure that citizens experience a sense of belonging to the state and the state belonging to them .
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