Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [Wh det] [vb mod] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 OK , the radical Maoist lesbian communes of what used to be Berkeley University are rather less keen on topless sunbathing than the nubiles of Saint Tropez .
2 Looking at each other , wordlessly grappling , two people from the same small segment of the country had unknowingly provoked in each other ill-formed shapes of what used to be home , and as yet unrecognized images of what used to be themselves .
3 Looking at each other , wordlessly grappling , two people from the same small segment of the country had unknowingly provoked in each other ill-formed shapes of what used to be home , and as yet unrecognized images of what used to be themselves .
4 In March 1916 the Midland League programme was completed , and to fill the remaining weeks of what used to be the normal season a subsidiary tournament involving six clubs was organized , with Leeds City in the Northern Group of the Midland League .
5 Their ritualled life is interrupted only by Saxon 's unclear memories of what used to be , along with the movement of the grotesque Brogan in the ‘ upper world ’ .
6 Even here in the dusty , bounding Toyota , this old man has a distinctiveness , the clubbable , dependable qualities of what used to be called a gentleman .
7 Delivering emergency aid in the mountainous regions of what used to be Yugoslavia is a dangerous business .
8 So I 'm put into the hands of what used to be called ‘ Wardrobe ’ but now has the grander title of ‘ Costume Designers ’ , who are keen for me to join the twentieth century sartorially , which would involve climbing into one of those colossal suits .
9 Almost daily , my local newspaper , the South Wales Evening Post , publishes examples of what used to be called taking and driving away — joyriding .
10 All are comprehensible as symptoms of social disorientation , of the fraying , and sometimes the snapping , of the threads of what used to be the network that bound people together in society .
11 But it 's too late now ; there , as in most parts of what used to be the Eastern bloc , telecommunications are being upgraded post-haste .
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