Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [art] [noun] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Police fired warning shots over the heads of the demonstrators to disperse them , but this angered the crowd , and several thousand people marched on Skanderbeg Square .
2 Professor Sir John Cadogan , chairman of the research council which advised the council on the allocations , said : ‘ We went straight to the heads of the institutions to ask them what were their best bets for boosting the numbers of their top-notch research ratings .
3 In contrast , a state investment bank under the guidance of a planning apparatus could make funds available for socially useful investment projects , and where these projects were demonstrably in the interests of working people , yet were not profitable enough to attract capitalist enterprises , the state could either adjust the parameters of the market to make them profitable ( not always easy , but the state does have considerable means at its disposal to effect such adjustments ) or failing that , nationalise the enterprises concerned , on relatively strong ideological ground .
4 There is not adequate opportunity for those of us who feel strongly about aspects of a Bill to raise them .
5 The Communist Party had written to Divisional Councils and branches of the ILP inviting them to send representatives to the forthcoming Seventh World Congress of the Communist International .
6 It had to be worked out to the finest detail and Endill went to the library to find pictures of a catapult to help them on their way .
7 The ladies-in-waiting and the personnel of the household followed them .
8 There is a danger in letting the drama become too real for young children ; we do n't want the dragons and giants of the drama to follow them home and give them nightmares .
9 The plans of the groups enable them to be identified with those shown on large-scale Ordnance Survey maps , except for those sites subsequently ploughed out , which often survived as ring-ditches .
10 Now , with only the trees and the birds of the forest to see them , she was helpless against the waves of longing pounding through her like a restless ocean .
11 Fifty years after the ‘ Souldier 's ’ Bible had been carried in the pockets of the Roundheads to inspire them at Marston Moor and Naseby , appeared a reprint with some additions and alterations .
12 Weights were placed at all the corners of the sketches to stop them springing back into tight rolls .
13 This expansive interpretation of the duties of the parties requires them to make decisions with respect to the behaviour of States which have themselves incurred no obligations under the same Convention .
14 Scientists are excited by this computer approach to archaeology and they 've plans to reconstruct other great buildings of the past bringing them to life once again .
15 So now is the ideal time for growers who suspect they may have herbicide-resistant strains of the weed to get them checked , says ADAS 's James Clarke .
16 He was not setting in motion the puppets of the past to destroy them .
17 All these elements can be found in the best of medical education , most notably in McMaster University in Canada , where students pose their own problems and use the resources of the university to solve them .
18 Even warranties and indemnities do not provide complete protection to the offeror , as they depend on the financial resources of the people providing them .
19 The action had also electrified the crowd who were pressing in on the ring despite the best efforts of the khalifas to keep them all back .
20 The decision of the House of Lords in Anisminic Ltd v. Foreign Compensation Commission shows how , on occasion , the courts will resist the strongest efforts of the government to exclude them from reviewing executive discretion .
21 Just as the inhabitants of the barrios here defend their pathetic shanties to the last , defying the well-meaning efforts of the authorities to relocate them , so the poor in intellect cling to whatever feeble idea they have been able to fashion out of the odds and ends they have foraged .
22 Cattle stealers fully understood the efforts of the administration to thwart them .
23 Walton argues that views of ‘ best interests ’ are rather always contingent , depending on the particular position and assumptions of the person expressing them as well as on objective circumstances .
24 We would support any moves to increase the powers of the regulators to give them stronger teeth .
25 And if people and pupils do not fit the stereotypic formula , we will , I hope , be disinclined to maim them into conformity , but to adjust the dimensions of the bed to accommodate them .
26 Place a little royal icing in a piping bag with a star nozzle and pipe along the joins of the triangles to secure them .
27 We habitually think of the actions of nations and of societies as distinct from the actions of the individuals composing them , and we attribute moral qualities to such actions , and moral rights and duties to nations and societies .
28 The personal qualities of the Masai made them not only attractive to the British but ‘ attractive … to administer ’ .
29 Causton plans to alter the ends of the polymers to make them stick better to specific surfaces or make them attractive to only a particular protein .
30 — the profits of the capitalists producing them would also decline .
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