Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun sg] [vb base] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , hopes that opening the universities to lower social classes might reveal untapped reserves of brain-power have been disappointed .
2 The results achieved in 28 summers of work have been rich and conclusive , the sculpture ranging front portraits to mythological reliefs , statuettes to colossal figures .
3 Most contemporary forms of disorder have been evident since the inception of professional soccer in the 1870s .
4 Aiming at ‘ normal ’ concentrations runs the risk of inducing phenylalanine deficiency , which several lines of evidence suggest is harmful to both nutrition and brain development .
5 ‘ His own models of feminity have been extraordinary women — the Queen Mother , who never let a feeling come between her and her duty , and the Queen .
6 All the same , rumblings of discontent have been detectable around Wantage Road over the past few weeks , prompting conjecture over a parting of the ways between Northamptonshire and their prized import , even though his contract still has a year to run .
7 Their ten years of marriage have been fraught with difficulties that neither could have foreseen .
8 We can see that the economic aims of Thatcherism have been contradictory to its moral postures .
9 Many studies of unemployment have been concerned to identify the various factors ( age , health , skill , social class , race , sex , etc ) which influence the length of time spent unemployed , the frequency of spells of unemployment and the categories of people who suffer disproportionately from job loss .
10 Thick weathering mantles will only form in regions of minimal local relief where rates of erosion have been low for a prolonged period .
11 As Steve Maine , BT 's director of visual and broadcast services says : ‘ Traditionally , users of videoconferencing have been large corporations , but the VC7000 will enable smaller companies to reap the benefits of visual communication . ’
12 But whatever the direction the Community legislative framework takes , both sides of industry have been involved in the development of Community social policy from its inception .
13 Keynes 's adherence to the Liberal party in the 1920s is a matter of record , and historians of Liberalism have been eager to assimilate him to the great tradition .
14 Nevertheless , there is no doubt that Guevarism and other currents of thought have been influential in forcing established Communist parties to rethink their role and recognise the need to be far more responsive than hitherto to the specific circumstances of their own country .
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