Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun sg] on [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At Cheltenham , they recoup early losses with a late hat-trick of winners ; at Brighton , they come badly unstuck ; and at Redcar they pull off a major coup , smuggling suitcase-loads of money on to a 7–1 shot past the eagle eye of the bookies .
2 One former Edinburgh male compositor who worked at Constable 's told me in a letter that " we as apprentices … used to help the ladies by lifting the formes of type on to the stones , so as they could do corrections , and lift them down " It could in fact have perfectly well been done by a strong woman or by two women cooperating , and in any case took very little time .
3 The concept reared up fully formed : the sparkling snowflake of Steel City fragmenting from the hub of fire , spilling bodies into vacuum , the debris plunging flaming spears of fall-out on to the dense towns of Earth .
4 Cyril emptied several grams of cocaine on to a circular mirror and began to cut it up with a razor blade .
5 This rather defeats its theoretical purpose of putting different types of loan over different periods of time on to an identical basis for comparison .
6 Use a little royal icing to cement the two pieces of roof on to the sloping sides of the house , propping up the eaves with toothpicks too if necessary .
7 As a male sets out along a branch , he leans over sideways , lifts one of his back legs and carefully expels a few drops of urine on to the sole of his foot .
8 Mrs Hollidaye spooned some chunks of marrow on to a slice of bread , cut it in half , and put it gently into Dot 's hand .
9 She was eating a sauce and sugar sandwich , made by shaking gobs of sauce on to a slice of white bread , sprinkling on white sugar and folding the slice over .
10 Dorothea spooned glistening black gobbets of jam on to a silver dish and wished that she could like Alida Thorne a little more .
11 It was a common sight then to see several boys , myself included , stand at the pavement 's edge , take out our little ‘ Willies ’ — raise them on high for elevation , and suddenly direct the streams of urine on to the watching , gaping girls .
12 It was a bit small for the wooden supports at the top of the cabinet but the totter got around that problem by nailing a couple of slats of wood on to the supports to act as a base .
13 During the ten months the siege was to last , Richard 's road gangs were said to have shovelled nearly three-quarters of a million tons of metal on to the road .
14 The cloudy lens prevents the passage of the rays of light on to the retina .
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