Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [art] [noun sg] [Wh adv] the " in BNC.

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1 ( I am anxious that you should understand the customs and manners of the country where the events in question took place , so different from your own .
2 Perhaps it was caused by the complicated influences of the valley where the men seemed so often to remain unmarried , sometimes perhaps because , as Beuno held , their mothers said there was no one good enough for them , sometimes because there simply was n't anyone .
3 This is not the case with several of the better-known recordings of the work where the organ has been added on later .
4 And then , the other six months of the year when the water recedes a different sort of species comes and inhabits this area and then
5 Nearing the narrows of the loch where the ferry operated , the road climbs a long incline through a forest , emerging in open country and here a branch , formerly the main road , goes down to the hotel and other buildings grouped forlornly around the old ferry pier : it is always sad to see an enterprise that has served its purpose well and has now had its day .
6 ( Case 189/87 ) [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 5565 , 5585 , that the special jurisdictions enumerated in articles 5 and 6 of the Convention constitute derogations from the principle that jurisdiction is vested in the courts of the state where the defendant is domiciled , and as such must be interpreted restrictively : see also para. 8 of the same judgment .
7 With respect to the second part of the question , it must be observed , as already indicated above , that the ‘ special jurisdictions ' enumerated in articles 5 and 6 of the Convention constitute derogations from the principle that jurisdiction is vested in the courts of the State where the defendant is domiciled and as such must be interpreted restrictively .
8 The Weltklasse Meeting , established in 1962 , in Zurich 's Leitzegrund Stadium is one of the truly great meetings of the world where the track and field stars always play to a large and enthusiastic audience of about 25,000 people .
9 Eurocurrency is currency held outside the control of the monetary authorities of the country where the currency originates
10 Another concern which has been raised recently in the UK is the excessive amount of aluminium present in some baby milk powders , and this is exacerbated in certain areas of the country where the tap water used in reconstituting the milk also shows a relatively high aluminium content .
11 There are obviously certain groups of people from whom there is a greater risk of catching a disease just as there are certain areas of the world where the prevalence of diseases is higher than others , but , wherever you are , it is the change of sexual partner that is the crucial risk-producing move .
12 The police should consider video cameras in areas of the city where the public are most at risk .
13 The simplicity of the bare interiors , the view of the landscape , the columns of the portico where the scene is set are reminiscent of Fra Angelico : tiny details in the hair-style , the hands and the folds of the angel 's garments are derived from some of his most famous creations , such as the Cortona ‘ Annunciation ’ , the Montecarlo ‘ Annunciation ’ and , for the Virgin 's face and attitude and the embroidery of her cloak , the ‘ Adoration of the Magi ’ at the Museo di San Marco , Florence .
14 Lazy bitch , she was : lying on this couch day after day feeling too bad to move ; but she could go upstairs and carry out the duties of a wife whenever the fancy took her .
15 You must also notify your Divisional/Section Head at intervals of no more than seven days of the position where the absence extends beyond seven days .
16 This is one of the most providential days of the year when the onus is on you to take up an idea and run with it .
17 An action to challenge a decision must , generally , be brought within six years of the decision where the contract to refer to the expert is under hand and twelve in the unlikely case of its being under seal : ss5 and 8 of the Limitation Act 1980 .
18 I have many happy memories of a time when the world was innocent as were most of us .
19 Defects can quite often appear after the lease has been granted and the tenant will not expect to have to repair defects as part of its own obligations under a full repairing lease or even through the service charge provisions of the lease where the landlord covenants to repair and charge back .
20 ( 2 ) Nothing in this section affects the rights of the seller where the neglect or refusal of the buyer to take delivery amounts to a repudiation of the contract . ’
21 She turned her attention to his injury , relieved to see that he was now losing very little blood , and that although the area about the wound was reddened and irritated the edges of the gash where the arrow had entered were not jagged , which would have delayed healing .
22 The selvedges are the outer edges of the rug where the weft strands have been wrapped around the last few warp strands in order to hold the rug tightly together across its width .
23 MLT is defined in terms of the point where the field line would cut the ecliptic plane and the angle that point subtends with the Sun at the Earth 's centre .
24 Safety is to be judged in terms of the time when the product was supplied .
25 A person , or their partner , is at increased risk if they have had high risk sex in regions of the world where the prevalence of HIV infection is greater than that in the UK .
26 the extent to which non-compliance with the request would undermine important interests of the United States , or compliance with the request would undermine important interests of the state where the information is located .
27 The Garlands , and their shop with the rooms over , were out of period , relics of a time when the business and management of the town had been in the hands of a few prosperous traders .
28 I check on some of the offshore islands of the reef where the empty coral beaches with palms and pandanus are like Bounty ads and the tropical fish are like rubber hot water bottles painted in psychedelic colours .
29 Agrippa urged us on and we climbed the hill towards the main gates of the castle where the Red Lion Rampant banner of Scotland fluttered in the wind .
30 must insure him or them in respect of any liability which may be incurred by him or them m respect of the use of the vehicle and of any trailer , whether or not coupled , in the territory other than Great Britain and Gibraltar of each of the member states of the Communities according to the law on compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of vehicles of the state where the liability may be incurred ; and
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